Carcinoma of the skin (overview) Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Carcinoma of the skin (overview)
Carcinoma kutanes (carcinoma in situ of the actinic keratosis type) 1a keratoses) with transition to an invasive spinocellular carcinoma (bottom left)

Carcinoma cutanes: circumscribed, since > 1 year existing, slowly growing, not painful, firm, plateau-like nodule with flat deposits of firmly adhering scales and scale crusts.

Carcinoma kutanes: circumscribed, since > 1 year existing, slowly growing, not painful plateau-like nodule with flat deposits of adherent scales and black (hemorrhagic) scale crusts.

Carcinoma cutanes:advanced, flat ulcerated exophytic squamous cell carcinoma with massive actinic damage. 82-year-old man with androgenetic alopecia. Pronounced spring carcinoma.

Carcinoma cutanes: Condition after surgery with flap plastic treatment; for some weeks now, formation of firm, non-painful nodules (marked with arrows here).

Carcinoma of the skin: flat, completely asymptomatic lump with central ulcer formation; massively sun-damaged skin (see also light aging ).

Carcinoma of the skin: flat, completely asymptomatic lump (marked by arrows) with central ulcer formation; massively sun-damaged skin.

Carcinoma kutanes:advanced, extensive ulcerated exophytic squamous cell carcinoma with massive actinic damage. 75-year-old man with androgenetic alopecia.

Carcinoma cutanes: advanced, flat ulcerated exophytic squamous cell carcinoma .

Carcinoma cutanes: advanced, flat ulcerated exophytic squamous cell carcinoma .

Cutaneous carcinoma: a flat growing, circinally limited, red plaque, without any symptoms Diagnosis: Bowen's disease

Carcinoma kutanes: Advanced, flat ulcerated squamous cell carcinoma.

Cutaneous carcinoma: a lump in actinically damaged skin that has grown within half a year and cannot be moved on the underlying surface.

Carcinoma kutanes: Monstrous, painless lump on the left nostril. 85-year-old patient from a nursing home. Histological: Squamous cell carcinoma.

Carcinoma kutanes: Advanced, flat ulcerated squamous cell carcinoma.

Carcinoma of the skin: a continuously growing lip carcinoma that has existed for years.

Paget's disease of the nipple (nipple carcinoma)

Merkel cell carcinoma: Fast growing solid red node.

Carcinoma of the skin (Bowen's disease): painless, centrifgally growing, radially accentuated plaque that has existed for years.

Carcinoma cutanes: Carcinoma formation on a pre-existing, chronic arterial ulcer.

Spinocellular carcinoma of the big toe.

Verrucous carcinoma of the left ball of the big toe.