Verweise von und zu Mucinosis cutaneous (overview)
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- Erythème desquamative en plaque congénital et familial
- Facial swelling
- Histiocytosis, hereditary, progressive, mucinous
- Lichen myxoedematosus discrete type
- Lichen myxedematosus and HIV-Infection
- Adiposis dolorosa
- Muzin
- Cutaneous mucinosis of infancy
- Self-healing infantile cutaneous mucinosis
- Myxoedema diffuse
- Atypical tuberous myxedema Jadassohn-Dossekker
- Myxoderma
- Mucinous nevus
- Plaque-like form of cutaneous mucinosis
- Rem syndrome
- Scleromyxoedema
- Teleangiectasia
- Teleangiectasia
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- Interleukin-6
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- Follicular mucinosis
- Muzin
- Acral papular mucinosis
- Cutaneous mucinosis of infancy
- Self-healing infantile cutaneous mucinosis
- Multiple cutaneous focal mucinosis
- Oral focal mucinosis
- Follicular mucinous nevus
- Urticaria-like follicular mucinosis
- Mycosis fungoides
- Myxoedema diffuse
- Pretibial myxedema
- Atypical tuberous myxedema Jadassohn-Dossekker
- Myxoedema tuberosum praetibiale
- Angiomyxoma cutaneous
- Mucinous nevus
- Scar
- Pachydermoperiosteosis, symptomatic
- Plaque-like form of cutaneous mucinosis
- Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
- Rem syndrome
- Scleroedema adultorum
- Scleroderma systemic
- Scleromyxoedema
- Toxic oil syndrome
- Traumatic mucus cyst
- Verruca vulgaris