
Authors: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer, Prof. Dr. med. Martina Bacharach-Buhles

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Last updated on: 11.05.2024

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Medicinal plants

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By definition (according to ESCOP = European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy, see below Phytotherapy), phytotherapeutic medicinal products are those that contain exclusively "plants, parts of plants or plant constituents or combinations thereof, in processed or unprocessed form, as active ingredients. Phytotherapeutics are therefore mixtures of substances and not individual substances. Their effect results from the sum of their ingredients. There is no chemical isolation of a single medicinal substance.

Classical dermatological phytotherapeutics are or were e.g. the various tars (wood tars: Pix betulina, Pix fagi, Pix juniperi, Pix pinaceae or coal tar: Pix lithanthracis or their extracts - Liquor carbonis detergens), ichthyol, podophyllin or the antipsoriatic agent chrysarobin which is no longer used today.

Although a number of current drugs are of plant origin, e.g. the cytostatic drugs vincristine, vinblastine, taxol, digitoxin and atropine, they are not phytotherapeutics in the narrower sense, as only the isolate or its chemical modifications are used medicinally.

Undesirable effects
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In their work "Botanical Dermatology", Mitchell and Rook list > 10,000 species of medicinal plants that have been described as the cause of irritant or allergic contact dermatitis (eczema). In Europe, > 250 contact sensitizing plant ceramics are known, of which > 200 come from the composite family. Their content of sesquiterpenlactones plays a decisive role. Allergologically they are also relevant:

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  1. Arberer W (2008) Contact allergy and medicinal plants. JDDG 6: 15-24
  2. Mitchell JC et al (1979) Botanical Dermatology. Vancouver, Greengrass