Peru balsam

Authors: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer, Wolfgang Zerbe

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 06.01.2025

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Balsam of Peru; Balsamum peruvianum; INCI designation: Myroxylon pereirae; Peruvian Balsam

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Viscous, dark brown, slightly bitter, then scratchy tasting balsam with a distant scent of vanilla, benzoin or cinnamon from the smoldering trunks of at least 10-year-old Myroxylon balsamum trees, Peru balsam tree. The balsam consists of at least 250 different individual substances (of which about 20 have been identified as contact allergens so far) such as benzoic acid esters (benzyl benzoate and benzyl cinnamate), resins containing benzoic acid and cinnamic acid esters, cinnamic acid, vanillin and coumarin. Peru balsam is not sticky or stringy and does not dry out.

Quality is laid down in the European Pharmacopoeia.

HMPC monograph: not recommended due to high allergenic potency: skin reactions, angioedema, bronchoconstructive and anaphylactic reactions.
ESCOP: not processed.
Commission E-monograph: external: infected, poorly healing wounds, burns, decubitus, chilblains, ulcus cruris, prosthetic pressure sores and haemorrhoids, allergic reactions should be noted

Pharmacodynamics (Effect)
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Often acts as a contact allergen. Cross-allergies with wood tar, propolis, fragrances. Indicator for a spice allergy.

Spectrum of action
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Antibacterial-antiseptic, granulation-promoting and antiparasitic (especially against itch mites). Effect in topical application, e.g. in infected and poorly healing wounds (ulcus cruris), burns, frostbite and haemorrhoidal diseases; also used in folk medicine for eczema and itching.

Field of application/use
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In foods (odorant and flavoring agent, substitute for vanilla), cigarettes, perfumes, shampoos, wound, healing, burn and other ointments (see wound treatment below), mineral and cutting oils.

Peru balsam was previously often used in perfumes and cosmetics under the INCI name"Myroxylon pereirae resin".

Overall, the use of Peru balsam is in sharp decline. Instead, extracts or distillates (essential oils) obtained from the raw balsam by high-vacuum dry distillation are used. These extracts have a significantly lower sensitization potential (Geier J 2017).

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Nasal balm ointment from WALA Heilmittel GmbH, SOCKETOL paste, Peru-Lenicet®

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Approximately 15 ingredients of Peru balsam are also contained in the bee kit resin propolis, including some contact allergens.

Positive test reactions to Peru balsam are difficult to interpret (see below Peru balsam retesting). They may indicate sensitization to certain fragrances or to propolis (Geier J 2017).

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In case of allergy: Avoid Peru Balsam as contact allergen and if necessary a diet free of Peru Balsam.

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  1. Duarte I et al. (2002) Interference of the position of substances in an epicutaneous patch test battery with the occurrence of false-positive results. Am J Contact Dermat 13: 125-132
  2. Geier J (2017) Screening substances for fragrance allergy: fragrance mixtures and Peru balsam. Allergo J 26: 16-19
  3. Pfutzner W et al. (2003) Systemic contact dermatitis elicited by oral intake of Balsam of Peru. Acta Derm Venereol 83: 294-295
  4. Walter P et al (1991) Peru balsam. Dt Dermatol 39: 320-321


Last updated on: 06.01.2025