
Authors: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer, Prof. Dr. med. Martina Bacharach-Buhles

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 11.01.2025

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Podophyllinum; Podophyllum peltatum extract; Podophyllum resin; resina podophylli

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Podophyllin (off. DAC86, ÖAB90, Ph. Helv.7.) is a mixture of substances obtained from the ethanolic extract of the rootstock of the plant Podophyllum peltatum in a special process. Podophyllin is a yellow, toxic, amorphous powder that is insoluble in water and partially soluble in ammonia and ethanol. The ingredients are the lignans podophyllotoxin and alpha- and beta-peltatine.

Commission E-Monography: External: pointed condylomas

Experimental medicine: External removal of warts, oncological diseases

Pharmacodynamics (Effect)
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Antimitotic effect by binding to tubulin and inhibiting the formation of microtubules.

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Means of the reserve for the therapy of condylomata acuminata.

Dosage and method of use
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Medicine: 5% solution 2 times/day for 3 consecutive days for a maximum of 4 weeks, to be applied to the condyloma by a doctor using a cotton swab. Approved for self-therapy. Caution! The treated skin area must not exceed 25 cm2. Carefully cover the surrounding skin, e.g. with Pasta zinci mollis. Allow the treated area to dry for at least 1 minute before it comes into contact with clothing.

Cosmetics: The substance is used in cosmetic formulations under the INCI name "Podophyllum peltatum extract". The extract has a skin caring effect.

Standard concentration
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Up to 15%.

Undesirable effects
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Erythema, dermatitis, burning, trophic disorders, necroses and pigmentation, teratogenicity possible, foreskin constriction (due to swelling).

Notice! Women of childbearing age should use effective contraception under therapy and up to 3 months afterwards!

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Alcohol leads to an increase in podophylline toxicity.

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Pregnancy (teratogenic!), lactation, application to the eye, herpes simplex recidivans, applications in children and adolescents < 18 years, M. Bowen ( tendency to cell dysplasia), immunodeficiency, inflamed or bleeding condylomas, simultaneous treatment with other local therapeutics, positive syphilisserology

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Condylox® solution (apply twice daily according to the doctor's instructions)

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Remember! There are no more ready-to-use drugs available for podophyllin. The prescription can therefore only be made as extemporaneous preparation. Preference should be given to ready-to-use preparations containing podophyllotoxin.