DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.
The podophyllotoxin contained in podophyllin is a strong spindle toxin that can be used as a cytostatic agent.
IndicationThis section has been translated automatically.
Means of the reserve for the therapy of condylomata acuminata.
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Dosage and method of useThis section has been translated automatically.
Lsg. Apply 2 times/day for 3 consecutive days to condyloma with cotton swab. Approved for self-therapy.
Reminder. The total treated skin area must not exceed 150 mm2. Carefully cover the surrounding skin e.g. with pasta zinci mollis. Allow the treated area to dry for at least 1 min. before contact with clothing.
Standard concentrationThis section has been translated automatically.
Solution: 0.5%.
Undesirable effectsThis section has been translated automatically.
Erythema, dermatitis, burning, trophic disorders, necroses and pigmentation, teratogenicity possible, foreskin constriction (due to swelling).
Notice! Women of childbearing age should use effective contraception under therapy and up to 3 months afterwards!
InteractionsThis section has been translated automatically.
Alcohol leads to an increase in podophyllotoxin toxicity.
ContraindicationThis section has been translated automatically.
Pregnancy (teratogenic!), lactation, application to the eye, herpes simplex recidivans, children and adolescents < 18 years, M. Bowen ( tendency to cell dysplasia), immunodeficiency, inflamed or bleeding condylomas, simultaneous treatment with other local therapeutic agents, positive syphilisserology .
PreparationsThis section has been translated automatically.
Condylox® solution; Wartec® cream (0.15%)