Image diagnoses for "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "Face", "red"
83 results with 209 images
Results forPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)Facered

Psoriasis capitis L40.8
psoriasis capitis. 44-year-old man. chronically inpatient, intermittently increasing, extensive, red, rough plaques with coarse lamellar scaly deposits on the forehead, capillitium. characteristic of the diagnosis "psoriasis" is the spread of the foci from the hairy head above the forehead hairline to the forehead areas. DD: seborrhoeic eczema.

Xanthogranuloma necrobiotic with paraproteinemia D76.3

Tinea faciei B35.06
tinea faciei. itchy and moderately painful, livid-reddish, rough, scaly plaque with intact or burst pustules on the surface. on pressure discharge of pus. patient has received 15mg methotrexate p.o. for several years because of polyarthritis. the present finding can also be called granuloma trichophyticum (majocchi).

Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides C84.0
Mycosis fungoides follikulotrope: 10-year-old girl with generalized mycosis fungoides; partial section with a plaque of follicular papules.

Lupus erythematosus (overview) L93.-
Systemic lupus erythematosus: light-provoked, symmetrical erythema and red plaques with discrete desquamation; no visible scarring

Contagious impetigo L01.0
Impetigo contagiosa: acutely occurring, persistent for 5 weeks, increasing despite external therapy, localized in the face of an 18-month-old boy, red, erosive, rough papules and plaques, partly covered with yellow crusts; similar skin lesions are visible on the trunk and on all extremities

Contact dermatitis (overview) L25.9
contact dermatitis: blurred eczema plaque on upper and lower eyelid. distinct lichenification with fine-lamellar scaling. crust formation at the inner eyelid angle. permanent, tormenting itching. evidence of sensitization against various eyelid cosmetics.

Chronic actinic dermatitis (overview) L57.1
Dermatitis chronic actinic (type actinic reticuloid): Large-area, severe itching, eczematous clinical picture of the face, which appeared in spring after a short UV exposure and now persisted for several months. Massive lichenification of the skin (see radial lip furrows) as an expression of the chronic inflammatory remodelling of the thickened skin.

Contagious impetigo L01.0

Crusted Scabies B86.x1
Scabies norvegica: excessive infestation with dirty-brown, keratotic changes in the area of the face.

Psoriasis seborrhoic type L40.8
Psoriasis seborrhoeic type: Chronic recurrent, sharply defined, flat, rough, partly with yellowish scaling, bordering, red spots and plaques.

Psoriasis seborrhoic type L40.8
psoriasis seborrhoeic type: recurrent, location-constant and therapy-resistant "seborrhiasis" for several years. no like for atopic disease. extensive infestation of face and capillitium. itching and feeling of tension. note: in case of such an extensive infestation a systemic therapy is recommended (e.g. MTX, alternatively Fumarate).

Erysipelas A46
Erysipelas. acutely appeared, blurred, laminar redness and swelling, on the right side nasal and paranasal in a 64-year-old woman; accompanied by a slight temperature rise and chills.

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus: advanced systemic lupus erythematosus associated with scarring.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema, atopic. chronic, recurrent, itchy red spots and slightly raised red plaques on the cheeks and forehead of an 8-month-old girl; multiple, disseminated, partly crusty scratch excoriations are also visible.

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides: already longstanding, blurred, red, butterfly-shaped red plaques. delicate scarring beginning at the bridge of the nose. no systemic autoimmune phenomena.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema atopic in infancy: Acutely exacerbated and pyodermized atopic eczema; positive atopic FA in both parents.

Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (overview) L93.-
Lupus erythematosus cutaneous (overview): chronic discoid lupus erythematosus. Note the coexistence of inflammatory plaques and non-inflammatory (whitish) scarring.

Airborne contact dermatitis L23.8
Airborne Contact Dermatitis (course of therapy): The 54-year-old florist noticed an increasing itching and burning of the entire facial skin, the back of the hands and wrists during a "normal" working day at lunchtime. In the evening hours, the entire facial skin was reddened over the entire surface, swollen and itching severely, so that the emergency medical service had to be consulted.

Lupus erythematosus acute-cutaneous L93.1
lupus erythematosus acute-cutaneous: symmetrical red spots, patches and plaques on the face, neck and upper trunk areas, which have been present for several weeks. typical is the perioral recess. note: lip lesion corresponds to a herpes simplex lesion.

Chronic actinic dermatitis (overview) L57.1
Dermatitis chronic actinic (type light-provoked atopic eczema). general view: Disseminated, scratched papules and plaques, nodular in places, as well as blurred, large-area, reddened, severely itching erythema on the face of a 51-year-old female patient with atopic eczema existing since birth. the skin changes can be provoked by sunlight and photopatch testing.

Seborrheic dermatitis of adults L21.9
Dermatitis, seborrheic: Chronic, therapy-resistant, psoriasiform seborrheic eczema in a 63-year-old patient; no other clinical evidence of psoriasis vulgaris.