Image diagnoses for "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "Face", "red"
83 results with 209 images
Results forPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)Facered

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus: flat, localized, moderately sharply defined, symmetrical, moderately consistent, non-scaling red plaques.
Typical - butterfly pattern - with free perioral triangle. Bridge of nose, lips (chronic cheilitis) are also affected. Furthermore: Raynaud's phenomenon; disturbance of the AZ, arthralgia.

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides: 18-year-old otherwise healthy patient. skin lesions since 12 months, gradually increasing, no photosensitivity. disseminated, chronic, touch-sensitive, red , differently sized plaques with rather discrete scaling. histology and DIF are typical for erythematodes. no positive ANA and ENA.

Atopic photoaggravated dermatitis L20.8
Eczema, atopic photoaggravated: Chronic persistent eczema that has existed for 2 years and exacerbates under low UV exposure.

Lupus erythematosus acute-cutaneous L93.1
Lupus erythematosus acute-cutaneous: symmetric red spots, patches and plaques on the face, neck and upper trunk, existing for several weeks; lateral image.

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides: 25-year-old otherwise healthy patient. variable now discrete skin lesions; for 12 months. only low photosensitivity. multiple, touch-sensitive, red, plaques. histology and DIF are typical for erythematodes, ANA and ENA negative.

Deposit dermatoses (overview) L98.9
Plaqueform mucinosis of the skin: follicle-accentuating (peau d'orange) deposits of mucin in the skin.

Sweet syndrome L98.2
Dermatosis, acute febrile neutrophils (Sweet syndrome): acutely occurring (existing since 1 week) highfebrile exanthema with involvement of the trunk, face and capillitium as well as the upper extremities. feeling of illness, myalgia, arthritis. high inflammation parameters. cause unknown (viral infection in combination with the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs?).

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides : Solitary blurred plaque with atropical surface, adherent scaling, bizarrely configured scarring (bright areas); distinct painfulness in case of punctiform exposure (e.g. brushing over with fingernail); unpleasant burning sensation when exposed to UV light.

Cutaneous mastocytoma Q82.2
Mastocytomas, cutaneous: moderately consistency-propagated, brownish-reddish, blurred, maculopapular plaques; the Darian sign is positive (development of a wheal after rubbing the efflorescence).

Lupus erythematosus subacute-cutaneous L93.1
Lupus erythematosus, subacute-cutaneous, multiple, chronically dynamic, increasing, small or extensive red spots as well as red, small, sometimes rough, scaly papules and pustules on the face of a 66-year-old man. Furthermore, extensive, net-like branched telangiectasia can be found. DIF from lesional skin (see inlet; arrows indicate IgG deposits on the dermo-epidermal basement membrane zone and the follicular epithelium)

Mucinosis cutaneous (overview) L98.5
mucinosis(s). plaque-shaped, idiopathic, cutaneous mucinosis. red, rather sharply defined, cushion-like, smooth plaques in the face of a 42-year-old woman. similar efflorescences were observed in the breast area and on the back.

Superficial tinea capitis B35.0
Tineacapitis: extensive non-treated infection of the hairy and hairless scalp by Trichophyton mentagrophytes; known HIV infection.

Lupus erythematosus tumidus L93.2
lupus erythematodes tumidus: for 4 weeks existing, little symptomatic, succulent, bright red, surface smooth papules and plaques. probably occurred after UV exposure (correlation could not be clearly clarified). no hyperesthesia. ANA: 1:160; DNA-Ak negative; DIF: uncharacteristic. initiation of therapy with Resochin.

Psoriasis vulgaris L40.00
psoriasis vulgaris. seborrhoid psoriasis. large, flat, red, rough plaques with fine-lamellar scaling, localized by the centrofacial system, appearing in a 26-year-old woman. similar skin changes were found on the trunk and the extensor extremities. relapsing course of the disease since adolescence.

Acne conglobata L70.1
Acne conglobata: Condition following acne conglobata with scars and scar strands that have sunk in teisl, sometimes bulging and disfiguring.

Psoriasis seborrhoic type L40.8
Psoriasis seborrhoeic type: for several months, symmetrical, only slightly elevated, homogeneously filled red-yellow, slightly accentuated, scaly plaques, which have remained in the same place for several months, with red lips.

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides: characteristic focus at the temple.