Image diagnoses for "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "Face", "red"
83 results with 209 images
Results forPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)Facered

Ain D48.5
AIN: perianally localized, less sympotmatic, extensive, whitish erosive plaque at 3 o'clock; secondary findings anal fissure at 6 o'clock (actual cause of the doctor's visit)

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides: cutaneous chronic lupus erythematosus. years of course with circumscribed red scarring plaques (circle - with whitish atrophic area without follicular structure): arrow: dermal melanocytic nevus.

Seborrheic dermatitis of adults L21.9
Dermatitis, seborrheic: Blurred, delicately reddened, coarse lamellar scaling, flat, slightly infiltrated plaques in a 24-year-old female patient.

Mixed connective tissue disease M35.10
Mixed connective tissue disease: 43-year-old female patient (with clinical aspect of systemic lupus erythematosus) who fulfils the criteria of MCTD: U1.nRNP : titre : >1:1600; characteristics of systemic lupus erythematosus, Raynaud's phenomenon, swollen hands as well as feeling ill, fatigue, proximal muscle weakness (typical myositis symptoms).

Seborrheic dermatitis of adults L21.9
Dermatitis, seborrhoeic. 6-month-old female patient with almost symmetrical, blurred, flatly infiltrated, scaly, non-itching red plaques. good clinical response to steroidal pre-treatment. recurrence of skin symptoms within a few days after discontinuation of therapy.

Erysipelas A46
Acute erysipelas. acutely appeared, since a few days existing, increasing, flat, sharply defined, pillow-like raised, flaming red and painful swelling of the cheek and the left eye. distinct impairment of the general condition with fever.

Dyskeratosis follicularis Q82.8
Dyskeratosis follicularis (Darier's disease) Disseminated, yellow-brownish papules and plaques, sometimes covered with small crusts.

Acne papulopustulosa L70.9
Acne papulopustulosa:Multiple, inflammatory papules and pustules, some of them crusty, localized periorally and perinasally in the face of a 16-year-old adolescent.

Pityriasis rubra pilaris (adult type) L44.0
Pityriasis rubra pilaris (adult type): relapsing, eythrodermic maximum variant of pityriasis rubra pilaris.

Tinea faciei B35.06
Tine faciei: Plaque that has existed for several months and has been pretreated in different ways and has a pronounced edge.

Psoriasis (Übersicht) L40.-
Psoriasis: psoriatic minus variant of the lips (psoriasis is detected by typical psoriatic plaques on the elbows and knees); discrete foci on the upper lip marked by arrows and a circle.

Contact dermatitis allergic L23.0
Contact dermatitis allergic: acute, itchy, relatively sharply defined, photoallergic (contact) dermatitis with pillow-like infiltrated, partly sharply defined, in the lateral cheek area also blurredly defined red plaques. multiple, partly solitary, partly confluent vesicles on cheeks, nose and forehead. 27-year-old female patient after application of a sunblock.

Lupus erythematosus (overview) L93.-
Systemic lupus erythematosus: symmetrical erythema that is true to the site of the disease.

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Lupus erythematosus systemic: characteristic lupus mask with persistent, succulent red plaques with fine crustal deposits.

Acne (overview) L70.0
Acne vulgaris (overview): large,inflammatory retention cyst next to comedones and a few smaller inflammatory papules

Erythema multiforme, minus-type L51.0
Erythema multiforme. 10-year-old female patient with Z.n. herpes simplex virus infection 4 weeks ago. multiple, acutely occurring, itching, clearly infiltrated, 0.2-0.7 cm large, sharply defined, firm, red, smooth papules and partly confluent plaques with partly cocardial aspect and central blistering.

Airborne contact dermatitis L23.8

Lupus erythematosus subacute-cutaneous L93.1
lupus erythematosus, subacute-cutaneous. multiple, extensive, sharply defined, slightly scaly, slightly raised PLaques. 62-year-old woman. DIF: LE-characteristic. ANA: positive; Anti-Ro: positive.