Image diagnoses for "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "Face", "red"
83 results with 209 images
Results forPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)Facered

Chronic actinic dermatitis (overview) L57.1
Dermatitis, chronic actinic. detail enlargement: Disseminated, scratched papules and nodules as well as blurred, large-area, reddened, severely itching erythema in the face of a 51-year-old female patient with atopic eczema existing since birth.

Lupus erythematosus subacute-cutaneous L93.1
Lupus erythematosus, subacute-cutaneous multiple, small spots to flat, sharply defined, anular and flat, partly slightly scaly erythema in the face of a 54-year-old woman with Ro-positive subacute-cutaneous lupus erythematosus.

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus: Pronounced findings with bilateral, symmetrical, flat plaque formation, fine erosions and crustal formations.

Erysipelas A46
Erysipelas acute: acutely occurring, for 4 days, increasing, smooth, planar, sharply defined, pillow-like raised, flaming red swelling of the cheeks and the left eye in a 56-year-old man; marked impairment of the general condition with sensation of heat in the cheeks.

Chronic actinic dermatitis (overview) L57.1
Dermatitis chronic actinic: Severe extensive, permanently itchy eczema reaction of the entire face with intensification of the eyelid regions. improvement in the winter months. recurrence with low UV irradiation.

Facial granuloma L92.2
Granuloma eosinophilicum faciei (Granuloma faciale). approx. 0.8 cm in diameter, solitary, slow-growing, slightly raised, moderately coarse, red node. characteristic is the strawberry-like surface. diascopic: yellow-brownish self-infiltrate. no subjective complaints, no accompanying internal symptoms.

Contact dermatitis allergic L23.0
Contact dermatitis allergic: chronic unpleasant itching contact allergic dermatitis of the eyelids.

Acne (overview) L70.0
Acne papulopustulosa: several, centrofacially grouped, inflammatory, follicular papules.

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus. acutely occurred facially emphasized symmetrical exanthema with disturbance of the general findings, medium-high fever, rheumatoid complaints. 10 year-old girl.

Mucinosis cutaneous (overview) L98.5
Mucinosis(s): Plaque-shaped, idiopathic, cutaneous mucinosis, conspicuous telangiectasia, changing intensive findings during the day.

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides: large, sharply defined plaque with a central, clearly sunken (atrophy of the subcutaneous fatty tissue), poikilodermatic scar; the peripheral zones continue to show inflammatory activity.

Atopic dermatitis in infancy L20.8
Superinfected atopic eczema Chronic atopic eczema with pyodermic plaques on the cheeks and forehead in an infant.

Contagious impetigo L01.0
Impetigo contagiosa: multiple, artificially maintained, weeping and crusty plaques.

Ilven Q82.5
ILVEN: Since early childhood conspicuous, elongated to triangular configured papulokeratotic inflammatory skin change on the right cheek of a 14-year-old female patient.

Field carcinogenesis
Field carcinogenesis: reddish, painful to touch, red, slightly scaly, blurred plaque, condition after years of intensive UV-radiation.0

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Lupus erythematosus systemic: persistent, blurred, red, butterfly-like distributed spots in the right cheek area of a 27-year-old female patient with SLE known for years.