rosacea. rosacea erythematosa, stage I of rosacea with individual inflammatory papules and pustules. flat, relatively sharply defined, symmetrical erythema (plaque) of the cheeks with clear protrusion of the follicles (skin pores). no comedones. perioral area remaining free. redness is now permanently present after earlier volatility but with varying intensity. at the same time, a feeling of tension and a slight burning sensation with shearing activity.
Stage I-IIrosacea (rosacea papulopustulosa) In this 34-year-old female patient, single, recurrent red papules and pustules have been present on the nose, cheeks and chin for about 4 years.
Angiosarcoma of the skin of the head and face. flat, smooth, asymptomatic, chronically dynamic, slowly growing, red plaques without epidermal involvement in a 68-year-old man.
Chloasma/melasma ina 27-year-old Ethiopian female patient after prolonged use of oral anticonceptives; large, bizarrely bordered hyperpigmentation of the cheek, lips, nose and forehead.
erythema infectiosum. after slight "flu-like" infection intensive redness (and swelling) of both cheeks (cheek whistle face). 2 days later little symptomatic exanthema with anular erythema on the arms. cervical lymphadenopathy. laboratory: o.B.
Melanodermatitis toxica. solitary, chronically stationary (no growth dynamics), large-area, blurred, symptom-free (only cosmetically disturbing), brown, smooth spot in an obese, 63-year-old patient of Turkish origin. in addition, multiple follicular keratoses are visible in the zygomatic bone region and periorbital right side.
Dermatitis chronic actinic (type light-provoked atopic eczema). general view: Disseminated, scratched papules and plaques, nodular in places, as well as blurred, large-area, reddened, severely itching erythema on the face of a 51-year-old female patient with atopic eczema existing since birth. the skin changes can be provoked by sunlight and photopatch testing.
acrocyanosis in right heart failure. extensive homogeneous reddening of the facial areas. clearly more prominent in cold weather. moderate cyanosis of the red of the lips. age involution of the chin region with oblique chin furrows. moist corners of the lips with occasional pearlèche.
Dermatitis chronic actinic: Chronic laminar eczema reaction which is essentially limited to the exposed skin areas Typical of chronic actinic dermatitis and thus distinguishable from a toxic light reaction (type acute solar dermatitis) is the blurred transition (eczematous scattering reactions) from lesional to healthy skin.
Dermatitis, chronic actinic (type actinic reticuloid). large-area, chronically dynamic, severe eczema reaction limited to UV-exposed skin areas with rough, extensive eminently itchy plaques with fine dense scaling. massive actinic elastosis (see deep rhomboidal skin field of the entire face). already after brief exposure to the sun, increase in burning itching. no history of atopy. probably caused by the intake of thiazide-containing diuretics.
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