Spot darker

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

Dieser Artikel auf Deutsch


black spot; brown spot; Dark spot; farmer's stain

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Sharp or blurred skin discoloration of varying size and colour compared to normal skin. A spot can be easily recognized by stroking over the change with closed eyes and feeling no change (increase) compared to the normal environment. "A spot cannot be felt". Stains differ in colour, size and arrangement. Larger stains (larger than 1 cm) are referred to as "patches" in Anglo-American literature.

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  • Topography of different pigments in the skin (corneal, epidermal, epidermal/dermal, dermal)
  • Size
  • Distribution (isolated, grouped, disseminated, confluent)
  • Arrangement patterns (gyriated, herpetiform, anular, serpiginous, in Blaschko lines, segmental, random)
  • Structural and functional classification (follicular, sweat glands, contact points, light exposed, random)
  • Topographical assignment (various body regions, field skin, groin skin, seborrhoeic zones, intertriginous)
  • Boundary (sharp-edged, blurred, arched, jagged, random)
  • Structural classification (follicular, naevoid, segmental, random)
  • Topographic classification (body regions, field skin, groin skin)
  • Colours (brown, blue to black blue)
  • Type of colour pigments (blood pigment of different degradation levels, melanin, foreign substances, metabolic products, drugs)

Clinical picture
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Clinical examples of stains:

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Last updated on: 29.10.2020