Elastoidosis cutanea nodularis et cystica L57.8

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.04.2022

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Blackheads; blackheads of the cheeks; Cheek-blackhead; Cheek comedones; élastéidose cutanée nodulaire à kystes et à comédons Favre-Racouchot; Elastoidosis cutanea nodularis; Elastoidosis cutanée nodulaire à kystes et à comédons; Elastosis nodular with cysts and comedones; Favre Racouchot disease; Favre-Racouchot disease; Favre-Racouchouchoche disease; M. Favre Racouchot; M. Favre-Racouchot; Morbsu Favre-Racouchaud; Nodular elastosis with cysts and comedones; Nodular skin astoidosis with cysts and comedones; Skin astoidosis nodular with cysts and comedones; Solar elastotic syndromes

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Favre and Racouchot, 1951

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Solar (possibly combined with senile) atrophy, marked, nodular actinic elastosis with grouped, non-inflammatory, black, expressible comedones and yellowish follicular cysts.

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Pathogenetically, the localization at chronic light-exposed, mostly hyperpigmented skin areas indicates chronic actinic damage of the cutaneous connective tissue. The resulting loss of elasticity of the connective tissue leads to horn retention in the follicles at the exposed sites (zygomatic bone), to multiple open, black stained, actinic comedones. The follicles are widened by the horn retention. In addition to open comedones, closed epithelial cysts can also be found in advanced clinical pictures. This results in a mixed picture of actinic elastosis, grouped (non-inflammatory) black comedones and deep-seated epithelial cysts.

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Occurs mainly in men over 50 years of age and is more frequent in cases of nicotine abuse.

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Primarily zygomatic region, also traumatized body areas.

Clinical features
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Areal, thickened, yellowish, but mostly distinctly brownish, hyperpigmented, wrinkled (elastotic) skin over the zygomatic arches, in the lateral periorbital and temporal region as well as on the nose (so-called lemon skin) and in the neck(cutis rhomboidalis nuchae).

Single, but mostly grouped, non-inflammatory comedones, with black horny plugs in strongly dilated follicular openings (open comedones) as well as larger whitish-yellowish follicular cysts filled with crumbly-greasy masses (closed comedones). In the zygomatic region, sometimes marked hypertrichosis.

Rarely, ectopic localization is possible (so-called actinic comedone plaque on the forearm).

Frequent combination with cutaneous precancerous lesions or carcinoma formation. Rarely, the clinical picture is an indication of an underlying porphyria cutanea tarda.

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Severe areal or nodular elastosis of the upper and middle dermis, completely replacing the normal texture of the dermis; expanded horny follicles with hair segments, atrophy of the follicular wall and sebaceous glands. Frequent melanin deposits in the superficial horny lamellae.

Differential diagnosis
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Porphyria cutanea tarda (uro- and coproporphyrins); chronic terminal renal failure (dialysis patients). Strictly speaking, these are not differential diagnoses, but an identical process initiated by an underlying disease state.

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Avoid direct sunlight, light protection (e.g. Anthelios). Express with a limited number of comedones (after softening by applying warm and moist compresses for several hours). Express open comedones with a comedone squeezer, carefully score and express closed comedones with a lancet or cannula. In case of pronounced comedone formation or in addition to expression, peeling treatment with retinoids 0.025-0.1% tretinoin in cream, gel or solution (e.g. Airol cream, solution, Cordes VAS) or 0.5% isotretinoin (e.g. Isotrex gel). Apply thinly 1-2 times/day. Initially daily, as soon as the effect occurs, only every 2nd or 3rd day. Cave! Avoid sun exposure under retinoid therapy!

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  3. Favre M, Racouchot J (1951) L'élastéidose cutanée nodulaire à kystes et à comédons. Ann Derm Syph 78: 681-702
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Please ask your physician for a reliable diagnosis. This website is only meant as a reference.


Last updated on: 29.04.2022