Nail hematoma Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Nail hematoma
Nail hematoma with shrapnel bleeding and distal onycholysis...

Nail hematoma: since exactly 6 weeks existing (trauma reminding), sharply forward limited blue-black discoloration of the big toe nail with discoloration of the epinychium; the sharp, here diagonally running dividing line without distal stripe-shaped discoloration of the nail matrix excludes a malignant melanoma!

Nail hematoma: since exactly 6 weeks existing (trauma recallable), sharply forward limited blue-black discoloration of the big toe nail (marked by arrows and line) with discoloration of the epinychium (circle); arrow (right) indicates a streaky (still red) apparently fresher bleeding

nail hematoma: blue-black discoloration of the big toe nail. sharp limitation distally. no continuous nail pigmentation (see also inlet)

Nail hematoma: sharply distally limited discoloration of the big toe nail. nail matrix at the distal cutting edge unchanged. no longitudinal striation of the nail.

Nail hematomas: bilateral discoloration of the big toe nails, sharply limited to the sides and to the front.

Nail hematoma: not quite fresh subungual hematoma, after shock injury, bleeding under the proximal nail fold.

Nail hematoma: after a well remembered trauma, about 3 weeks ago, acute red coloration of the toenail.

Hematoma, nail hematoma: clearly limited nail discoloration in all directions, see next figure with comparison after 8 weeks.

Hematoma, nail hematoma: growing nail hematoma . left initial situation, right 8 weeks later. note: the nail matrix shows no discoloration at the cutting edge (marked by arrows)!

Nail hematoma: direct comparison of the outgrowing nail hematoma. Lower left after 8 weeks. On the right the reflected light microscopic images.

hematoma, nail hematoma. blue-blackish, sharply defined pigmentation (here of the big toe nail) due to a previous traumatic event. no distal stripy nail discoloration. the absence of distal stripy nail changes excludes the important differential diagnoses "subungual malignant melanoma" and "subungual melanocytic nevus".

Hematoma, nail hematoma, bluish discoloration of the nail fold and proximal nail area.

Hematoma, nail hematoma. reflected light microscopy with blue, sharply defined discoloration of the nail.

Nail hematoma: sharply limited brownish discoloration of the nail; no streaky distal pigmentation of the nail (important differential diagnostic distinction to a malignant melanoma).

Hematoma, nail hematoma. Incident light microscopy with red-blue discoloration of the nail.

haematoma, nail haematoma. nail alteration after slight crush trauma. striped, red and blue-black spots (splinter hemorrhages). since red and black shades are present at the same time, this finding speaks against a melanotic pigmentation.

Nail hematoma: Apparently caused by repetitive trauma (probably triggered by a trauma from frontal trauma, e.g. during a football match), transverse bleeding, the growing nail area is normally stained.

DD: Nail hematoma - here Melanonychia longitudinalis: Typical finding of a melanocytic pigmentation of the nail. Melanon grows in stripes, starting at the site of pigment formation (here the nail root is not visible) to the front. This finding is not observed in a nail hematoma. Note: the nail matrix shows a dark discoloration at the front edge of the cut (pigment is embedded in the nail matrix).

Differential diagnosis of "nail hematoma": All melanocytic neoplasms of the nail matrix lead to striped pigmentation of the nail plate.