Leprosy lepromatosa Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Leprosy lepromatosa
Leprosy lepromatosa: advanced findings with numerous, almost symmetrically distributed, asymptomatic papules and nodules, no accompanying inflammatory reaction.

Leprosy lepromatosa: gradually developing finding with few inflammatory plaques and nodules for many years.

Leprosy lepromatosa: Boderline type of leprosy lepromatosa; inflammatory type I reaction (leprosy reaction) in the existing leprosy herds.

Leprosy lepromatosa: most severe course of leprosy leprormatosa with multiple, partly confluent, large plaques and nodules (leproms).

Leprosy lepromatosa: Leprosy lepromatosa B (Boderline type) with large-area clearly infiltrated, borderline, anaesthetic and hypopigmented plaques, accompanied by inflammatory leprosy reaction

Leprosy lepromatosa: advanced findings with numerous, almost symmetrically distributed, asymptomatic papules and nodules, no accompanying inflammatory reaction.

Leprosy lepromatosa (-LL-) with atrophy, stiffening and mutilation of the fingers; conspicuous atrophy of the dorsal interosseous muscles II-IV bds.

Leprosy lepromatosa: stiffening of the fingers in a claw-like position. closure of the fist no longer possible. atrophy of the interosseous musculature (see following figure).

Leprosy lepromatosa: Stiffening ofthe fingers in a claw-like position; closure of the fist no longer possible; encircling the clinically conspicuous atrophy of the interosseous musculature (m. interosseus dorsalis I).