Dermatitis medusica Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Dermatitis medusica
Dermatitis medusica: Acute, linear, itchy and burning (also painful) plaque, as well as disseminated, papules and vesicles, appearing on the thigh of a 32-year-old woman about 6 hours after contact with a fire jellyfish (Baltic Sea); the stripe pattern is evidence of exogenous triggering.

Dermatitis medusica: A few minutes after the contact event, representation of linear, strongly consistency-multiplied, flat-exposed plaque with scab and vesicle formation (illustration was kindly provided by Dr. Heike Luther/Essen).

Dermatitis medusica: In this general view, 3 weeks after the contact event, a solitary, linearly shaped, rough, strongly increased in consistency, flatly elevated, finely lamellar scaling plaque with scabbing in a 50-year-old man is shown. During a Mediterranean holiday, painful punctures on the back caused by contact with a jellyfish were first shown. The tentacles of the cnidarian could only be removed from the back with difficulty, then formation of bleeding at the adhesion sites. Immediately after contact, formation of streaky, pale erythema.

Dermatitis medusica: close-up.