Results for "erysipelas"

147 searchresults

Phlegmons L03.8 Dermatology
...ermia phlegmonosa), also gram-negative germs and mixed flora. After minor injuries, e.g. panaritia, erysipelas, thrombophlebitis, rapid invasion of the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Clinical features Hot, r...
Podoconiosis Dermatology species (see filariasis, lymphatic).Congenital lymphedemaAcquired lymphedema following recurrent erysipelas (see below Lymphedema). See also Papillomatosis cutis lymphostatica. Therapy Preventive measures by...
Primary cutaneous (anaplastic) large cell lymphoma cd30-negative C84.5 Dermatology ulceration. Spontaneous regression or healing with scarring is possible. Several cases showed an erysipelas-like picture with a board-hard inflammatory infiltration of a body region. Histology Typical are no...
Propicillin Dermatology
...positive bacteria (Corynebacter, B. anthracis, actinomycetes, clostridia), Fusobacteria. Indication Erysipelas, pyoderma, phlegmons, furunculosis, infections of the ear, nose and throat area, the respiratory tr...
Pseudo-kaposi sarcoma (overview) I87.2 Vascular medicine
...-1132Kutlubay Z et al (2015) Pseudo-kaposi's sarcoma (acroangiodermatitis): occurring after bullous erysipelas. Dermatol Online J 18: 21Rüdlinger R (1985) Kaposiform acroangiodermatitis (pseudocaposi). Dermatol...
Renal diseases skin changes jeweilige Hauterkrankung Dermatology
...e febrile neutrophilic (nephritis) Ecthyma (acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is possible) erysipelas (infectious glomerulonephritis is possible, especially in the elderly) Gout (interstitial nephritis...
Rose Dermatology
Rose Go to Erysipelas
Rubeosis mammae R23.8 Dermatology
...f the aforementioned symptoms are observed! Differential diagnosis REM syndrome; cold panniculitis; erysipelas of the mammae (symmetry and lack of inflammatory symptoms speaks against it!) Therapy Sufficiently...
Streptococcus pyogenes Microbiology
...lead to crusting. Fever does not occur in impetigo and the patient does not make a sick impression.Erysipelas: Streptococcus pyogenes is the most common causative agent, accounting for 20-40% of erysipelas, wh...
Streptodermia cutanea lymphatica Dermatology
Streptodermia cutanea lymphatica Go to Erysipelas
Streptogenic toxin shock syndrome A48.3 Dermatology
...infection of the skin with very painful diffuse redness and swelling and a regional lymphadenopathy(erysipelas or necrotizing fasciitis). Non-specific general symptoms such as general feeling of illness with hi...
Swelling Dermatology
..."non-pitting edema").Swelling may be accompanied by clinical symptoms such as fever and pain (e.g., erysipelas), tightness (e.g., angioedema), erythema, scaling, or itching. Literature Altmeyer P (2007) Dermato...
Swelling of the eyelids Dermatology
...ious iridocyclitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis (e.g., hordeolum; herpes simplex infection, zoster, erysipelas).Chronic eyelid edema:Position-dependent disorders (disorders of lymphatic drainage): Eyelid edema...
Tinea pedis interdigital type B35.30 Dermatology
...bacterial overlay (see below gram-negative foot infection) or streptogenic complications (see below erysipelas). The progression on the soles and/or back of the foot leads to the development of circinar, margin...
Tinea pedis (overview) B35.30 Dermatology
...foot; psoriasis vulgaris; lichen planus; dyshidrosis; allergic contact dermatitis. Complication(s) Erysipelas, therapy-related contact allergy, tinea unguium. Therapy Antimycotics external, see below. Tinea. D...
Tooth ulcer Dentistry has broken through the jawbone and the periosteum or under the mucous membrane.Unlike phlegmons (erysipelas), abscesses are always surrounded by a membrane or sheath, where the incision or cutting of this me...
Tungiasis B88.1 Dermatology
...flea with scalpel and tweezers. Complication(s) Myonecrosis, clostridial ( gas gangrene), tetanus, erysipelas. General therapy First kill the sand flea with a swab soaked in ether, turpentine oil or paraffin,...
Upadacitinib Internal medicine
...commonly reported serious infections reported with upadacitinib included pneumonia and cellulitis (erysipelas).Viral reactivation: Viral reactivations, including cases of reactivation of herpes viruses (herpes...
Vasculitis, hepatitis c-associated D69; D89.1 Vascular medicine features Arthralgias, septic fever attacks, neurological symptoms, glomerulonephritis, possibly erysipelas skin changes. Laboratory Increase of SPA and CRP, detection of circulating immune complexes. Freque...
Venous thrombosis deep in the lower extremity I80.28 Vascular medicine
...D. Lymphedema, postthrombotic syndrome with chronic venous insufficiency, acute arterial occlusion, erysipelas.Therapy: Compression treatment, anticoagulation, recanalization therapies. Differential diagnosis A...
Vulvitis, a-streptococcal vulvitis N76.- Dermatology
...aryngitis are probable; furthermore, ascending infections are possible; puerperal sepsis; recurrent erysipelas. Therapy The drug of choice is oral penicillin;alternatively. Amoxicillin or cephalosporin.Alternat...
Wrap according to kneipp Dermatology
...llowing, tonsillitis, Cave: allergies - min . 30 min, overnight if necessaryWhite cabbage compress: erysipelas, panaritis, infected wounds, thrombophlebitis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, ulcus cruris. Implementati...