Mycosis fungoides Images
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Mycosis fungoides (plaque stage): 62-year-old man (suction plaque stage of Mycosis fungoides). 2.0-10.0 cm large, multiple, disseminated, occasionally slightly itchy, only slightly consistency increased, slightly scaly red plaques are found. Clinically and histologically no detectable tumorous LK-infection.

Mycosis fungoides (plaque stage): 62-year-old man (suction plaque stage of Mycosis fungoides). 2.0-10.0 cm large, multiple, disseminated, occasionally slightly itchy, only slightly consistency increased, slightly scaly red plaques are found. Clinically and histologically no detectable tumorous LK-infection.

Mycosis fungoides: Plaque stage. 32-year-old male with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, moderately itchy, hardly consistency increased, red, rough plaques; clinically and histologically no detectable LK infection.

Mycosis fungoides. patch stage (early form of mycosis fungoides) Sharply limited, scaly erythema existing for several years. atrophic wrinkling of the skin on the shoulder. no significant clinical symptoms, especially no itching. low functional livedo (upper arm left). treatment in this stage blanching and with PUVA therapy.

Mycosis fungoides: Detail enlargement; reddish-brown scaly erythema that has been present for many months; pseudoatrophic folds in the marginal area.

Mycosis fungoides: Early form of mycosis fungoides (patch stage) with circumscribed poikilodermatic skin changes.

Mycosis fungoides: Plaque stage. 52-year-old man with multiple, disseminated, moderately itchy, hardly consistency-multiplied, dark-brown, rough plaques; clinically and histologically no detectable LK infection.

Mycosis fungoides: 52-year-old man (tumour stage of mycosis fungoides). 52-year-old man (tumour stage of mycosis fungoides). Multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, itchy and slightly painful, clearly consistency increased, red, rough, partially scaly plaques and nodules appear in universally reddened skin. Clinically and histologically detectable LK infestation.

Mycosis fungoides. Advanced tumor stage.

Mycosis fungoides. 59-year-old female patient with foudroyant mycosis fungoides, now tumor stage((IVA2) with torpid decaying tumors (crater-like ulcers). In addition, numerous scarred plaques and tumors healed. Condition after multiple cytostatic therapy.

Mycosis fungoides: advanced tumor stage with aggregated red plaques and nodules in the axillary region.

Mycosis fungoides: several red plaques and flat nodules on a reddened area on the lower leg of a 53-year-old man. tumor stage of mycosis fungoides.

Mycosis fungoides, detail enlargement: Coin-sized oval plaques with atrophic surface and parchment-like folding on the lower leg of a 70-year-old female patient.

Mycosis fungoides, ulcerated lump on a reddened and scaly area on the back of a 55-year-old man with a tumor stage of MF.

Special form: Mycosis fungoides follikulotrope: 10-year-old girl with generalized folliculotropic Mycosis fungoides. foudroyant course of the disease which made a stem cell transplantation necessary.

Mycosis fungoides: Plaque stage. 52-year-old man with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, moderately itchy, clearly consistency increased, brown-black, rough plaques; clinically and histologically no detectable LK infection.

Mycosis fungoides: Plaque stage. 52-year-old man with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, in places also large-area, moderately itchy, distinctly increased in consistency, brown-black, rough plaques; clinically and histologically no detectable LK infection.

Special form: Mycosis fungoides, folliculotropic. 3-year-old clinical picture with strongly itchy, moderately sharply defined, follicular red plaques. secondary findings: multiple melanocytic nevi.

Mycosis fungoides: tumor stage. 53-year-old man with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, in places also large, moderately itchy, clearly consistency increased, red, rough plaques.

Mycosis fungoides: tumor stage. 53-year-old man with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, in places also large-area, moderately itchy, clearly consistency increased, red, rough, confluent plaques.

Mycosis fungoides: Plaque stage. 53-year-old man with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, in places also large, moderately itchy, clearly consistency increased, red rough plaques. development over 4 years.

Mycosis fungoides: Plaque stage. 53-year-old man with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, in places also large-area, moderately itchy, distinctly increased consistency, red rough plaques. development over 4 years. initial findings.

Mycosis fungoides: Tumor stage. 53-year-old man with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, in places also large-area, moderately itchy, clearly consistency increased, red, rough, eroded plaques. development over 4 years.

Mycosis fungoides: erythrodermic, non-leukemic mycosis fungoides.

Sezary syndrome: erythrodermic "leukemic" mycosis fungoides.

Poikilodermitic mycosis fungoides: (older name: Poikilodermia vascularis atrophicans). 63-year-old patient with a slowly progressive, variegated-checked clinical picture of the skin which has been present for 20 years. The variegated-checked skin is caused by reticular or stripe-shaped erythema. Particularly in the neck and décolleté area, this is accompanied by reticular or flat brown discoloration (hyperpigmentation). The variegated-checkedness is further intensified by an apparently normal skin condition which appears in several places (on the chest and neck area as well as on the upper and middle abdomen).

Mycosis fungoides: massive onychogrypose with extensive infestation of the integument

Special form: Mycosis fungoides, folliculotropic. 3-year-old clinical picture with strongly itchy, moderately sharply defined, follicular red plaques. detailed picture.

Folliculotropic Mycosis fungoides: progressive, localized, acne-like clinical picture that has existed for months.

Mycosis fungoides: Advanced plaque stage.

Mycosis fungoides: tumor stage. 53-year-old man with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, in places also large, moderately itchy, clearly consistency increased, red, rough, confluent plaques (nodules)

Folliculotropic Mycosis fungoides: generalized picture of the disease with smooth plaques that dissect at the edges, where the follicle-relatedness is clearly recognizable.

Mycosis fungoides of the "pagetoid reticulosis" type. slight tendency to progression. blander clinical course over years with intermediate complete remission. typical clinical picture with the girlad-like limitation

Nappes claires - Mycosis fungoides poikilodermatic form: numerous white patches (nappesclaires) in large areas of tumour-infiltrated skin; nappes claires are also indicative of pityriasis rubra pilaris .

Nappes claires - Mycosis fungoides poikilodermatische Form: detailed view.

Mycosis fungoides. incipient plaque stage under the picture of a superficial interstitial dermatitis with epidermotropy. Noticeable are the halo formations around the dermal lymphocytes.

Mycosis fungoides. dense, monomorphic lymphocytic infiltrate. nuclei chromatin-tight, moderately poylmorphic. few mitoses detectable

Mycosis fungoides, folliculotropic; picture of mucinosis follicularis with mucinous degeneration of the follicular epithelium.

Special form: Mycosis fungoides pagetoidType: Epitheliotropic infiltrate pattern with low cutaneous and highly pronounced epithelial infiltration.