Image diagnoses for "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "red", "Leg/Foot"
125 results with 293 images
Results forPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)redLeg/Foot

Infant haemangioma (overview) D18.01
Hämangiomatose des Säuglings: (s.a.folgende Abbildungen); rote unregelmäßige Plaque mit zentralen Abblassungen.

Dyskeratosis follicularis Q82.8
Dyskeratosis follicularis, overview: Multiple, chronically dynamic, intertriginously localized, whitish, rough, flatly aggregated, marrowy, itchy plaques in both popliteal fossa.

Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (plaque type) L40.3
Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (plaquet type): chronic stationary keratotic plaques on the soles of the feet and toes, in this case spreading to the backs of toes and feet.

Erythema migrans A69.2
Erythema chronicum migrans, painless, sharply defined, round, red plaque with centrally located yellowish papule (tick bite), existing for 14 days.

Congestive dermatitis I83.1
stasis dermatitis: flat, sharply limited plaque of the entire right lower leg. lipofasciosclerosis in case of a previously known CVI with beginning papillomatosis cutis lymphostatica. condition after leg ulcer. currently distinct exudation, lymphorrhoea as well as secondary bacterial colonization.

Contact dermatitis allergic L23.0
Acute contact allergic eczema: typical of the allergic pathogenesis of eczema is the blurred, scattered limitation of the inflammatory zone.

Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (plaque type) L40.3
Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (plaquet type): sharply defined, homogeneously red scaly and itchy plaques on the soles of the feet, spreading medially to the edge of the foot and the lower leg.

Contact dermatitis toxic L24.-
Contact dermatitis toxic: sharply defined, large-area, acute, itching and burning dermatitis, 6 hours after application of an ointment containing dithranol.

Erythema anulare centrifugum L53.1
Erythema anulare centrifugum: Large, polycyclically limited, asymptomatic broad erythema stripes on the upper and lower leg of a 62-year-old woman.

Hypertrophic Lichen planus L43.81
Lichen planus verrucosus: Symmetrical infestation of the lower legs, ulcerated in places.

Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas C82- C83
Lymphoma, cutaneous B-cell lymphoma. multiple, since 3 months increasingly growing, chronically dynamic, brownish or reddish-livid, flat, indolent, coarse, slightly scaly nodes and plaques. general symptoms: lymph node enlargement, splenomegaly, involvement of lung, liver, stomach and bone marrow.

Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis M30.1
Churg-Strauss Syndrome. circumscribed, borderline red, in the centre brown-yellow (here beginning of infiltrate formation and regression), in the area of the red areas rough, moderately pressure tolerated plaques and nodules in a 40-year-old man. known allergic bronchial asthma and seasonal rhinitis allergica. rennet: eosinophilia 45%; IgE >1000U/ml

Larva migrans B76.9
Larva migrans. linear plaque, subepidermally located, tortuous itchy duct through Ancylostoma brasiliensis on the sole of the foot, existing since about 2 weeks.