Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome T88.7

Solar dermatitis L55.-
Dermatitis solaris. almost universal, succulent erythema in a 30-year-old patient (skin type II) after intensive, several hours of sunbathing in the midday sun. accompanying strong sensation of heat, chills and circulatory weakness about 7 hours after exposure to the sun.

Mycosis fungoides C84.0
Mycosis fungoides: Plaque stage. 32-year-old male with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, moderately itchy, hardly consistency increased, red, rough plaques; clinically and histologically no detectable LK infection.

Teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans Q82.2
Teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. 54-year-old patient with a generalized macular clinical picture which has existed for years and shows a constant progression. Itching in case of heat exposure and mechanical exposure of the affected areas.

Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans L90.4
acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans. 57-year-old female patient. skin changes existing for five years now, clearly increasing for half a year, discoloured red-blueish in cold weather. large, blurredly limited, symmetrical erythema (completely anaemic). the skin surface is wrinkled in the breast area (atrophic), otherwise smooth. some splatter-like white discolorations.

Drug effect adverse drug reactions (overview) L27.0

Livedo racemosa (overview) M30.8
Livedo racemosa generalisata: extensive, bizarre, haemorrhagic reticulation of the skin

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus:chronic, UV-provocable, maculo-papular exanthema; concomitant: recurrent fever attacks, fatigue and tiredness, arthralgia, inflammation parameters +, ANA high titer positive, rheumatoid factor +, DNA-Ak+.

Erysipelas A46
Erysipelas, acute: under high fever, , within 2 days appeared, sharply limited flat, saturated redness and plaque formation of the left buttock. accompanying: painful regional lymphadenitis.

Toxic epidermal necrolysis L51.2
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: incipient extensive necrolytic detachment of the skin.

Purpura pigmentosa progressive L81.7
Purpura pigmentosa progressica (type: Purpura anularis teleangiectodes): brown-red anular, by confluence also serpiginous foci. no significant itching. sporadically also largely faded only shadowy spots

Mycosis fungoides C84.0
Special form: Mycosis fungoides follikulotrope: 10-year-old girl with generalized folliculotropic Mycosis fungoides. foudroyant course of the disease which made a stem cell transplantation necessary.

Drug exanthema maculo-papular L27.0
Drug exanthema after taking a cephalosporin. 4 days after continuous intake of the antibiotic sudden (overnight) development of this moderately itchy, maculo-papular exanthema.

Adult dermatomyositis M33.1
Dermatomyositis; acutely occurring, succulent exanthema, massive itching with scratching effects; general fatigue,