Maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis Images
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Urticaria pigmentosa: approx. 0.5-1.0 cm in size, disseminated, roundish, brownish-red spots. Only when rubbed, the spots become more red with accompanying itching. Increased redness and itching even in warm showers or baths.

Urticaria pigmentosa: General view: about 0.5-1.0 cm large, disseminated, roundish, brownish-red spots. Only when rubbed, the spots redden more strongly with accompanying itching. Increased reddening and itching even in warm showers or baths.

Urticaria pigmentosa: Close-up: about 0.5-1.0 cm in size, disseminated, oval or round, brownish-red spots; "Darier phenomenon" can be triggered; here visible by the red colour in places of slight mechanical irritation.

Urticaria pigmentosa: about 0.5-1.0cm large, disseminated, oval or round, brownish-red spots. only when rubbed, increased reddening of the spots with accompanying itching. also during warm showers or baths increased reddening and clearly palpable elevation of the lesions. Darier phenomenon can be triggered (see neck on the right, here extensive reddening with slight itching, after rubbing this area).

Urticaria pigmentosa: general view: about 0.5-1.0cm large, disseminated, oval or round, brownish-red spots. only when rubbed, increased redness of the spots with accompanying itching. also in warm showers or baths increased redness and clearly palpable elevation of the lesions.

Urticaria pigmentosa: general view: about 0.5-1.0cm large, disseminated, oval or round, brownish-red spots. only when rubbed, increased redness of the spots with accompanying itching. also in warm showers or baths increased redness and clearly palpable elevation of the lesions.

Urticaria pigmentosa: general view: about 0.5-1.0cm large, disseminated, oval or round, brownish-red spots. only when rubbed, increased redness of the spots with accompanying itching. also in warm showers or baths increased redness and clearly palpable elevation of the lesions. remark: control image 1 year later.

Urticaria pigmentosa (overview): Typical distribution pattern of urticaria pigmentosa. in rather loose, disseminated distribution, 0.2-0.5 mc large, bizarrely configured spots. minor itching. redness after warm bathing.

Urticaria pigmentosa: classic form of urticaria pigmentosa (type I). disseminated, flat, oval or round, disseminated, brownish-red spots in a 34-year-old female patient.

Urticaria pigmentosa:Enlargement of details: Spots of different size, disseminated, flat, oval or round, brownish-red and also clearly red (obviously mechanically erroneous - see Darier's signs) on the buttocks of a 34-year-old female patient.

Urticaria pigmentosa: classic form of Urticaria pigmentosa (type I), disseminated, flat, oval or round, disseminated, brownish-red spots.

Urticaria pigmentosa: Darier sign

Urticaria pigmentosa (overview): Adult form of Urticaria pigmentosa (erythroderma). With a history of many years, continuous increase in spot density. The inlet shows the confluence of numerous red spots.

Urticaria pigmentosa (overview): Adult form of Urticaira pigmentosa (erythroderma), with a history of many years, continuous increase in the density of spots, course over 7 years.

Urticaria pigmentosa: Darkly pigmented maculae and papules, spread over the entire integument, existing for years.

Urticaria pigmentosa: variously large, disseminated, flat, oval or round, brownish-red spots on trunk, buttocks and thighs; 27-year-old female patient. Continuous proliferation of spots for years. No evidence of systemic infestation. See findings 10 years later.

Urticaria pigmentosa/progression: patient as before, 10 years later. in the meantime almost extensive infestation due to confluence of the flock. lbaortechnical indications for systemic infestation.

Urticaria pigmentosa: Generalized, macular, livid-red to brownish, partly confluent "exanthem-like" clinical picture on the trunk of a 41-year-old woman.

Urticaria pigmentosa, detail enlargement: Livid-red to brownish, partly confluent spots.

Urticaria pigmentosa, massive development of the clinical picture.

Urticaria pigmentosa: General view: Differently large, disseminated, flat, oval or round, brownish-red spots on trunk, buttocks and thighs; 27-year-old female patient.

Urticaria pigmentosa. general view: Differently large, disseminated, flat, oval or round, exanthematically distributed, brownish-red spots on the trunk and thighs of a 34-year-old female patient. An elevated dermographism can be triggered.

Urticaria pigmentosa: about 0.5-1.0cm in size, disseminated, oval or round, brownish-red spots. only when rubbed, increased redness of the spots with accompanying itching. also with warm showers or baths, increased redness and clearly palpable elevation of the lesions.

Urticaria pigmentosa. shown here is an overview of the extremities. multiple, chronically stationary, gradually increasing over the last 10 years, symmetrically distributed on the trunk and extremities, densely standing, disseminated, 0.1-0.3 cm large, red to reddish-brown, smooth spots. urticarial erectility after physical irritation (Darian's sign: positive). increased redness and distinct itching when bathing in warm water and in case of mechanical irritation.

Urticaria pigmentosa:differently sized, disseminated, flat, oval or round, brownish-red spots on the trunk, buttocks and thighs; 52-year-old female patient. Continuous proliferation of the spots for years. No evidence of systemic infestation.

Urticaria pigmentosa: same patient as before. 4 years later. Differently sized, disseminated, flat, oval or round, brownish-red spots on trunk, buttocks and thighs; 52-year-old female patient. Continuous proliferation of spots for years. No evidence of systemic infestation.

Urticaria pigmentosa (systemic mastocytosis): spots of varying size, disseminated, flat, oval or round, brownish-red spots on the trunk, buttocks and thighs; continuous proliferation of the spots for years; laboratory and histological evidence of systemic infestation.

Urticaria pigmentosa:multiple, chronically stationary, known for 1 year, no longer increasing for 3 months, mainly localised on the trunk, 0.2-0.4 cm in size, blurred, red to reddish-brownish, smooth spots. no spontaneous itching. after warm bathing, the spots are bright red, eleated and itchy (wheals). lively redness and wheals appear even after mechanical irritation.

Urticaria pigmentosa. multiple, chronically stationary, 1.0-10.0 cm in size, generalized, yellow-brown, smooth spots, localized on the trunk and extremities near the trunk, blurredly defined. formation of itchy wheals after vigorous rubbing. history shows that a blister has formed after vigorous rubbing (single event).

Multiple mastocytomas: disseminated, flat brownish-reddish, itchy, smooth spots and plaques on the right foot or lower leg of a 4-month-old boy; in case of friction urticarial reaction with blistering (Darian sign: positive).

Urticaria pigmentosa. Disseminated, brownish-reddish, itchy, smooth spots and plaques on the right lower leg of a 4-month-old boy. In case of friction urticarial reaction with blistering (Darian sign: positive).

teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. multiple red spots, telangiectasia and dicreter brownish-yellowish spots. distinct, itchy and elevated dermographism. seborrhic keratoses marked with arrows.

Urticaria pigmentosa, presentation of mast cells by means of antitryptase, strong proliferation of perivascularly accentuated, oval or plump-spindle tryptase-positive mast cells.