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Erysipelas acute: acutely occurring, for 4 days, increasing, smooth, planar, sharply defined, pillow-like raised, flaming red swelling of the cheeks and the left eye in a 56-year-old man; marked impairment of the general condition with sensation of heat in the cheeks.

Erysipelas. circumscribed, fiery red, sharply defined erythema with extensive swelling of the skin. distinct tension pain in the affected areas. submandibular lymph nodes are dolent swollen, there is chills and fever.

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acute erysipelas. acutely appeared, since a few days existing, increasing, flat, sharply defined, pillow-like raised, flaming red swelling of the left cheek and eye. vesicles and blisters. distinct impairment of the general condition with fever.

Acute erysipelas. acutely appeared, since a few days existing, increasing, flat, sharply defined, pillow-like raised, flaming red and painful swelling of the cheek and the left eye. distinct impairment of the general condition with fever.

Erysipelas. acutely appeared, blurred, laminar redness and swelling, on the right side nasal and paranasal in a 64-year-old woman; accompanied by a slight temperature rise and chills.

erysipelas. flaming, centrofacially accentuated erythema with overheating and with severe lid edema. reduced general condition, chills, fever, swelling of the regional lymph nodes.

Acute erysipelas with fever (chills), leukocytosis, ASL and CRP elevation, regional lymph node swelling, massive unilateral facial swelling.

Erysipelas, acute: a sharply defined, flat, rich redness and swelling of the skin of the lower jaw, accompanied by painful regional lymphadenitis.

Erysipelas, chronically recurrent in the left mamma with extensive lymphedema.

Erysipelas: Solitary, acute, increasing for 4 days, blurred (with runners), flat, clearly increased in consistency, red, smooth plaque.

Erysipelas, acute: Acute reddened and painful, large-area, succulent plaque, only blurredly limited, which has existed for 5 days and is accompanied by high fever; inflammation parameters massively increased.

Erysipelas, acute: under high fever, , within 2 days appeared, sharply limited flat, saturated redness and plaque formation of the left buttock. accompanying: painful regional lymphadenitis.

Folliculitis with initial erysipelas and lymphangitits.

Erysipelas, acute: a sharply defined, flat, rich reddening of the lower leg, accompanied by painful regional lymphadenitis.

erysipelas.extensive, sharply defined, painful redness and plaque formation in the area of the lower leg. entry portal: macerated tinea pedum. secondary findings include fever and chills, lymphangitis and lymphadenitis

Erysipelas. edema of both lower legs and back of the foot with redness and overheating, here in connection with a tinea pedum. absence of fever and general symptoms; the ASL titre is elevated.

Erysipelas, acute: a sharply defined, flat, rich reddening of the lower leg under high fever with the formation of blisters and blisters, accompanied by painful regional lymphadenitis.

erysipelas. solitary, acutely occurring, extensive, sharply defined, red plaque and bulging blisters with serous content in the area of the lower leg. in this case, the entry portal was a macerated tinea pedum. fever and chills, lymphangitis and lymphadenitis also exist.

erysipelas. extensive redness and swelling of the left foot in a 71-year-old man. on the left back of the foot there is a sharply limited overheated erythema with flame-like runners of 15 x 15 cm in size. the back of the foot is circumferentially enlarged and painful. secondary findings are the palpation of single, enlarged, pressure-dolent lymph nodes in the corresponding lymph drainage area of the groin region.

Erysipelas. painful redness and swelling of the left foot in a 65-year-old man with fever. In addition, in the corresponding lymph drainage area of the groin region single enlarged lymph nodes can be palpated.

Sharply limited redness on the left inner side of the foot with hemorrhagic blistering and honey-yellow incrustations in a 74-year-old female patient.

Erysipelas. hemorrhagic blistering and erosions on sharply defined erythema in the area of the foot.

Erysipelas, acute acute reddening of the back of the foot under high fever, sharply limited and extensive hemorrhagic blistering.

Erysipelas: Sharply limited redness along the left back of the foot and the outer side of the foot with hemorrhagic, partly putrid blistering in a 74-year-old female patient.

Papillomatosis cutis lymphostatica: massive findings with papillomatous growths on the back of the foot and toes; chronic lymphedema after recurrent erysipelas.