Specific immunotherapies (SCID)now show clinically acceptable response rates and are recommended for asthmatic and rhinitic symptoms. Appropriate studies led to the approval of allergen extracts (Depigoid [containing trees/grains/grasses/herbs/mite allergen]; Depigoid-Mite Mix [containing equal parts of D. pteronyssimus and D. farinae]; Depigoid D. pteronyssinus [containing chemically modified allergen extracts from Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus]) for long-term therapy.
Alternative - SLIT tablet: In a larger multicenter, ramdomized placebo-controlled double-blind study the effect of SLIT could be proven (500IR- or 300IR/day p.o. - remark IR=Index of Reactivity). During the one-year observation period, the positive effect of hyposensitization was maintained. For the indication allergic rhinitis the preparation Acarizax® is approved, since 09.07.2021 also the preparation Orylmyte®. Allergic bronchial asthma is not a contraindication.