Verweise von und zu Vascular malformations
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- Angiodysplasia
- Angiodysplasia syndromes
- Cloves syndrome
- Fibrolipomatous hamartoma of the nerves
- Focal nodular hyperplasia
- Hemangiomas
- Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma
- hamartoma of the skin
- Klippel-trénaunay syndrome
- Lymphangioma
- Lymphangioma
- Lymphangioma circumscriptum
- Lymphangioma circumscriptum
- Macrochilelia
- Macroglossia
- Malformation
- Megalencephaly capillary malformation-polymicrogyria syndrome
Verweise zu anderen Artikeln
- AGGF1 gene
- Akt1 Gene
- Angiokeratoma circumscriptum
- Mibelli's angiokeratoma
- Scrotal and vulval angiosclerosis
- Angiokeratoma (overview)
- Angiokeratome, solitary
- Arteriovenous malformation
- Ataxia teleangiectatica
- ATM Gene
- Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome
- Cloves syndrome
- Cobb syndrome
- Cutis marmorata teleangiectatica congenita
- EPHB4 gene
- Fucosidosis
- GNA11 Gene
- GNAQ gene
- GNB2 gene
- Infant haemangioma (overview)
- Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma
- Eccrine angiomatous hamartoma
- Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
- IDH2 Gene
- Capillary malformation-aterivenous malformation syndrome
- Klippel-trénaunay syndrome
- Lymphangioma
- Lymphangioma cavernosum
- Lymphangioma circumscriptum
- Lymphangiomatosis
- Lymphatic malformations
- Net-like superficial lymphatic malformation
- Lysosomal storage diseases
- Maffucci syndrome
- Malformation
- Megalencephaly capillary malformation-polymicrogyria syndrome
- Microcephaly-Capillary Malformation-Syndrome
- Fabry's disease
- Morbus Kanzaki
- Nevus anaemicus
- Asymmetrical nevus flammeus
- Mixed nevus vascularis
- Segmental naevus venosus
- Parkes weber syndrome
- Phakomatosis cesioflammea
- Phakomatosis caesiomarmorata
- Phakomatosis spilorosea
- Genuine diffuse phlebectasia, Bockenheimer
- Pigment-vascular phacomatoses
- PIK3CA-Related Overgrowth Spectrum (PROS)
- Pik3ca Gene
- PORCN gene
- Proteus syndrome
- Ptpn11 gene
- RASA1 gene
- STAMBP gene
- Sturge weber syndrome
- Tek-gen
- Teleangiectasia
- Unilateral teleangiectasy-syndrom
- Unilateral naevoid telangiectasia syndrome
- Salmon patch
- Chronic venous insufficiency (overview)
- Venous malformations, multiple cutaneous und mucosal
- Venous malformations, multiple cutaneous und mucosal (sporadical)
- Unifocal (isolated) venous malformation
- Vhl gene
- Von hippel-lindau syndrome