Tinea capitis (overview) Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Tinea capitis (overview)
Tinea capitis superficialis:a slowly centrifugally growing, marginally dead centre that has been present for several months; pronounced marginal scaling; detection of Trichophyton mentagrophytes

Tinea capitis superficialis: slowly centrifugally growing focal point for 3 months; moderate scaling.

Tinea capitis profunda: Inflammatory, moderately itchy, slightly painful, fluctuating nodule in the area of the capillitium in children with extensive loss of hair.

Tinea capitis (microspores): diffuse infestation of the entire capillitium. only moderate itching. detection of Microspoum canis.

Tineacapitis: extensive non-treated infection of the hairy and hairless scalp by Trichophyton mentagrophytes; known HIV infection.