Scleromyxoedema Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Scleromyxoedema
Scleromyxoedema. 46 year old female patient shows a diffuse thickening and discreet reddening of the facial skin. Especially in the area of the glabella there is a bulging thickening of the skin folds next to countless lichenoid papules.




Scleromyxedema. 52-year-old patient shows a diffuse thickening and discreet reddening of the facial skin. Especially in the area of the glabella there is a bulging overlapping thickening of the skin folds.

Scleromyxoedema: Multiple, symmetrically distributed, 0.1-0.2 cm large, roundish, non follicular papules with smooth, shiny surface.



Scleromyxoedema: waxy, flat hardened palms; changes can be detected mainly on the fingers and over the finger base joints.

Scleromyxoedema. 52-year-old patient. Continuously increasing, moderately itchy skin lesions for 5 years.

Scleromyxoedema: Multiple 0.1-0.2 cm large, roundish, non follicular papules with a smooth, shiny surface; their linear arrangement is typical, which is also found in lichen myxödematosus.


Scleromyxoedema. 52-year-old male patient. Increasing, moderately itchy skin lesions for 5 years. Thigh with multiple, site scattered lichenoid papules.

Scleromyxoedema. 52-year-old patient. Increasing, moderately itchy skin lesions for 5 years. Legs with multiple, site scattered lichenoid papules.