Incineration Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Incineration
2nd degree burn (Combustio bullosa): Erythema followed by extensive subepidermal blistering. Beginning incrustation. Painfulness.

2nd degree burn (Combustio bullosa): erythema with subsequent extensive subepidermal blistering. beginning incrustation. painfulness. diagnosis: dermatitis solaris.

Burns. Second-degree striped burns from electric fence contact in an 8-year-old boy.

Point-like, 3rd degree burns caused by squeezing out glowing cigarette ends on the back of the hand in a 17-year-old adolescent (as a test of courage!).

Burns: severe fourth-degree burns on the buttocks of a 23-year-old woman after gynaecological surgery with electrocautery application with incorrectly attached neutral electrode and moist pad.