Guttate psoriasis Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Guttate psoriasis

Psoriasis guttata: mixed picture between psoriasis guttata with numerous "fresh" small psoriatic lesions and coin-sized psoriatic plaques existing for a long time

Psoriasis guttata: de novo occurred, 0.1-2.0 cm large, reddish, rough papules and plaques with fine-lamellar scaling in a 26-year-old woman, preceded by a feverish flu-like infection.

Psoriasis guttata: acutely and de novo appeared, 0.1-2.0 cm large, reddish, rough papules and plaques with fine-lamellar scaling on the trunk and extremities in a 24-year-old woman. A feverish streptococcal angina preceded this. After healing of the initially manifested symptoms, a longstanding chronic, intermittent course of psoriasis followed.

Psoriasis guttata: acute, "overnight", relapse of a small-focus psoriasis, following an acute, feverish streptococcal infection (acute tonsillitis).

psoriasis guttata. small, exanthematic form of psoriasis after streptococcal infection. only slight scaling (due to pre-treatment). note the indicated linear patterns (koebner phenomenon). the auspitz phenomenon (finest punctiform bleeding after removal of the uppermost scaly layer with a wooden spatula) can still be triggered even in these pre-treated lesions and is therefore an excellent diagnostic sign (best triggered in the small papules).