Contagious impetigo Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Contagious impetigo
Impetigo contagiosa: extensive, weeping and encrusted red plaques in an infant with previously known atopic eczema

Impetigo contagiosa, mainly scratched and burst pustules and flat honey yellow crusts on the face of a 6-month-old infant.

Impetigo contagiosa: acutely occurring, persistent for 5 weeks, increasing despite external therapy, localized in the face of an 18-month-old boy, red, erosive, rough papules and plaques, partly covered with yellow crusts; similar skin lesions are visible on the trunk and on all extremities

Impetigo contagiosa: multiple, artificially maintained, weeping and crusty plaques.

Impetigo contagiosa: multiple, artificially maintained, weeping and crusty plaques.

impetigo contagiosa. skin changes existing for several days. acute onset with an extensive herpes simplex infection of the upper lip. secondary bacterial superimposition with extensive greasy yellow crustal deposits. encircled fresh pustules.

Impetigo contagiosa: recurrent pyoderma with crusty, weeping erosions in a patient with atopic eczema.

Impetigo contagiosa. red, erosive, rough, partly crust-covered plaque with rhagades and scaly crusts, persistent for several weeks, resistant to therapy. evidence of Staphylococcus aureus.

Impetigo contagiosa. acutely occurring, persistent for 5 weeks, increasing despite external therapy, localized on the trunk and right arm of an 18-month-old boy, red, erosive, rough papules and plaques, partly covered with crusts. Similar skin lesions were found on the face and all extremities.

Impetigo contagiosa: for months recurrently recurrent, therapy resistant, red encrusted plaques next to older scarring; considerably artificially superimposed impetigo contgiosa.

Impetigo contagiosa: large-bubble (non follicular) impetigo (detection of Staphylococcus aureus) in known (indiscriminate) scabies with (unusual) infestation of the soles of the feet.

Impetigo contagiosa. subcorneal blistering. Numerous neutrophil granulocytes as well as individual detached (acantholytic) keratinocytes appear in the lumen.