Results for "erysipelas"

147 searchresults

Hypotrichosis acquired diffuse L65.8 Dermatology (lactation, gravidity, menopause), infectious diseases (abdominal and spotted typhus, influenza, erysipelas, late syphilis). See below Hypotrichosis. Therapy Treatment of the underlying disease.
Immundeficiency 14A (autosomal dominant), Mutation in PIK3CD D81.4 Internal medicine
...umoniae and 80% had low antibody levels to H. influenzae type B. 10 of 17 had recurrent infections (erysipelas, abscesses) and splenomegaly before onset. 4 of 17 (24%) suffered from infections caused by herpes...
Implant incompatibility (overview) L23.0 + T85.9 Allergology patients with osteosynthesis implants than in the normal population (Hartmann 2016).Peri-implant erysipelas-like dermatitis: sharply defined redness over the implant, itching, no fever, no general signs of i...
Klippel-trénaunay syndrome Q87.2 Dermatology
...plication(s) Possible cardiac insufficiency with large extent of arterio-venous shunts; tendency to erysipelas. Therapy Integument: Symptomatic treatment of bacterial and mycotic secondary infections arising fr...
Leishmaniasis (overview) B55.- Dermatology
...ld World cutaneous leishmaniasis Solitary Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis (classic Oriental bump).Erysipelas-like cutaneous Old Worldleishmaniasis (rare variant)other rarer variants such as: paronychial, chan...
Lipedema R60.9 Vascular medicine particular, increase, the risk of dermatological (e.g. macerations, infections), lymphatic (e.g. erysipelas, lymphoedema) and orthopaedic complications (gait disorders, axial malpositions) increases.The symp...
Lipolymphedema E 88.2 Vascular medicine
...urgery 82:411-416Miller A (2014) The lipedema. Vasomed 26: 254-259 Pereira De Godoy JM et al (2011) Erysipelas and ulcer of the legs in patients with lipolymphedema. Eur J Dermatol 21:101-102
Liposuction Dermatology
...ts and complications:skin irregularities, dent formation, asymmetryHaematomasSeromeWound infection, erysipelas, sepsis, septic shockCardiovascular reactionsallergic reactions and intolerances to the medicines o...
Lymphangiectasia, cutaneous I89.0 Allergology
...capillaries; often as a result of an obstruction of the lymphatic circulation (e.g. after recurrent erysipelas and surgery). Clinical features Frogspawn-like vesicles, about the size of a glass pinhead, which e...
Lymphedema, idiopathic I89.0 Vascular medicine
...wn hyperkeratosis, papillomatosis cutis lymphostatica. Complication(s) Acute, recurrent and chronic erysipelas. Therapy S.u. lymphedema.
Lymphedema, primary Q82.0 Vascular medicine Localization Lower extremity Diagnosis Clinical picture is diagnostic. Complication(s) Chronic erysipelas, therapy-resistant ulcus cruris, increasing physical immobility with consecutive obesity; elephanti...
Lymphedema secondary I89.0, 197.2 Vascular medicine
...ema are: Tumours that obliterate the lymphatic systemChronic soft tissue infections (e.g. recurrent erysipelas, herpes simplex, lymphogranuloma inguinale; chromomycosis)Postoperative condition (e.g. after lymph...
Mevalonic aciduria E 85.- Internal medicine
...illiform or urticarial exanthema and aphthous stomatitis have been described in MEVA. Occasionally, erysipelas-like plaques (see Fig.), erythema elevatum diutinum, IgA vasculitis and Sweet syndrome have been de...
Morbus Morbihan L71.8 Dermatology
...converting enzyme (ACE), C1 esterase inhibitor (C1-INH), complement component 1q (C1q) and C4.Acute erysipelas: Initial swelling with pain and fever In chronic persistent swelling:Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome...
Myocarditis I51.4 Internal medicine
...occi, staphylococci etc.beta-hemolytic streptococci of the serogroup A (e.g. in angina tonsillaris, erysipelas, scarlet fever)Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease)DiphtheriaSyphilis (rare)Typhoid fever (less comm...
Necrobiosis lipoidica L92.1 Dermatology
...E66): 4,6%Heart failure (I50): 4,1%Lipoprotein metabolism disorders (E78): 2,3%Psoriasis (L40): 2,3%Erysipelas (A46): 2,3%Multiple sclerosis (G35): 1.9%In pediatric collectives, there is a clear association bet...
Old world cutaneous leishmaniasis B55.1 Dermatology
...gression/forecast The course is usually without complications.Rarely (!) accompanying lymphangitis, erysipelas or pyoderma.Spontaneous healing of scars after about one year in the majority of infected persons T...
Oral floor phlegmons Dentistry tumour develops. Oral floor phlegmon is an outdated collective term for abscesses and phlegmons (erysipelas) in the area around the lower jaw. The cause of oral phlegmon can be pus in the lower jaw, which ha...
Organ transplants, skin changes Dermatology
...o contagiosa to follicular pyoderma (e.g. purulent folliculitis or boils), ecthymas and erythrasma. Erysipelas is usually not observed until several years after transplantation. It is not uncommon for severe fo...
Otitis H60.9 Dermatology of the ear. Dermatologically relevant diseases include: external otitis, ear canal furuncle, erysipelas of the ear, zoster oticus, otomycosis, otophyma, perichondritis of the pinna, chondrodermatitis nod...
Otitis externa (infectiosa) H60.-; H60.1 (Phlegmone des Gehörganges); H60.3(Badeotitis); Dermatology
..., "eczematous" otitis externa (ear canal dermatitis) and acute reactive otitis externaPerichondritisErysipelasOtomycosisshinglesOtitis media (with perforation)Ear canal cholesteatomaCarcinoma of the auditory ca...
Pain therapy, drug therapy Dermatology (ischemia) intensified by movement and heat, diminished by rest and cold.Infectious painE.g. erysipelas, boils, phlegmonous processesPain of varying intensity, limited to the area of inflammation, rarely...
Papillomatosis cutis lymphostatica I89.0 Dermatology
...e.g. chronic venous insufficiency, obesity and heart failure, primary lymphedema, chronic recurrent erysipelas, after extirpation of the inguinal and/or iliac lymph nodes with or without subsequent radiation, l...
Penicillin g Dermatology
...s, Anaerobic streptococci, Treponemes. Indication Angina, pharyngitis, meningitis, lobar pneumonia, erysipelas, erysipeloid, borreliosis, leptospirosis, syphilis, actinomycosis, diphtheria, clostridial myonecro...
Perichondritis of the auricle H61.0 Dermatology
...honic non-painful soft nodulationAcrodermatitis chronica atrophicans: chronic non painful dermatitisErysipelas: Highly acute, febrile, painful, non fluctuating dermatitis. Earlobes involved.Boils: circumscribed...