Results for "erythema"

907 searchresults

Intertriginous ringworm B35.6 Dermatology
...bmammary, in elbows and hollow of the knee, inguinal. S.u. Tinea inguinalis. Clinical features Flat erythema or slightly infiltrated flat plaques, whitish, coarse lamellar scaling maceration of the epidermis....
Intracutaneous test Allergology
...the urticarial reaction is read after 20 minutes. According to the diameter of the wheal and reflex erythema in comparison to the positive and negative control, the respective test reactions are evaluated sem...
Intravascular large b-cell lymphoma C83.8 Dermatology
...of solitary, asymptomatic (occasionally also painful), blurred, reticular or homogeneous, extensive erythema. However, disseminated, indurated, small or large plaques have also been described, as have subcuta...
Inverted psoriasis L40.83 Dermatology
...a marked itching. Mycological proof!Candidosis, intertriginous: Sharply defined, peripherally scaly erythema and plaques. Frequently pustule fringe or splashes of papulovesicular to pustular satellites in the...
Iron substitution Internal medicine
...ould be substituted up to a Hb- value of 11.5 g / dl (7.1 mmol / l) (Weihrauch 2020). Side effects- erythema at the injection site- thromboembolic events (Rieger 2022) PreparationsEPO derivatives such as darb...
Isotretinoin Dermatology
...d concentration Apply 0.05% gel thinly to cleansed skin 1-2 times/day. Undesirable effects Topical: Erythema, lightening of skin and hair, skin irritation, skin dehydration, skin flaking, skin atrophy, photos...
Ixodes ricinus Dermatology
...r meningoencephalitisendemic relapsing feverBabesiosisHonest.S.a. ticks, tick bite, tick granuloma, erythema chronicum migrans, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, Q fever, tularaemia, lymphadenosis cutis be...
Keratinocyte Dermatology
...e expression of MHC-II has been detected in keratinocytes in a variety of skin diseases, e.g. lupus erythematosus, vitiligo, lichen planus, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, various infectious dermatoses, allergic c...
Knotted rose Dermatology
Knotted rose Go to Erythema nodosum
Koebner phenomenon L40.9; L43.9 Dermatology
...lgarislichen planusLichen nitiduseruptive xanthomasphotoaggravated diseases (see below photoallergy)Erythema exsudativum multiformeViral exanthemareactive perforating collagenosisSchönlein-Henoch purpuradrug...
Kwashiorkor E40.x0 Dermatology
...points on the trunk, leaving out the areas of skin exposed to light. Bluish-red or reddish-brownish erythema, later clear scaling, rhagade formation in the large joint bends. Characteristic depigmentation wit...
Lanadelumab Dermatology
...with TAKHZYRO® were injection site reactions (ISRs), including injection site pain, injection site erythema, and injection site bruising. Of these ISRs, 97% were mild, and 90% resolved within 1 day of onset,...
Lanadelumab Internal medicine
...with TAKHZYRO® were injection site reactions (ISRs), including injection site pain, injection site erythema, and injection site bruising. Of these ISRs, 97% were mild, and 90% resolved within 1 day of onset,...
Lane's disease Dermatology
Lane's disease Go to Erythema palmoplantare hereditarium
Laser Dermatology
...lamp technology (IPL technology) is a laser-like technology. It is primarily used to treat diffuse erythema caused by telangiectasia. Also suitable for photoepilation. IPL light is emitted by a xenon lamp, f...
Late phase reaction Allergology
...further inflammation mediators (ECP, EDN, MBP, histamine, leukotrienes). This leads to an indurated erythema formation on the skin. In the bronchial tubes, however, bronchoconstriction and mucosal swelling du...
Late syphilis A52.- Dermatology
...nfectious syphilis and importance of travel history. Lancet 359: 447-448Lee JY, Lee ES et al (2003) Erythema multiforme-like lesions in syphilis. Br J Dermatol 149: 658-660Leonicenus N (1497) De morbo gallico...
Leflunomide Dermatology
...clinical studies suggest that Leflunomide may also be used in Wegener's disease and systemic lupus erythematosus under certain circumstances. Own observations show good efficacy of Leflunomide in patients wi...
Leg ulcer L97.x0 Vascular medicine
...Endangiitis obliterans Arteriovenous fistulas.Vasculitis (or chronic inflammatory vasculopathies): Erythema induratum Bazin Lupus erythematosus Systemic scleroderma Sjögren's syndrome Behçet's disease Rheuma...
Letrozole Internal medicine
...rioration of cholesterol levelsosteoporosisRarer skin changes: vasculitis, non-specific dermatitis, erythema nodosum, subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (see aromatase inhibitors below) Letrozole has been...
Leukemia cutis C95.9 Dermatology
...n acute myeloid leukemia; generalized pruritus, prurigo simplex subacuta, macular, nodular, figured erythema; erythrosquamous or vesiculobullous eruptions; very rarely universal nonspecific erythroderma.Immat...
Lewin, georg richard Dermatology clinic was separated from the syphilis clinic. Lewin's research areas were syphilis, leukoderm, erythema exsudativum multiforme and scleroderma. One of his students was Oskar Lassar, who is still known by...
Lichen planus (overview) L43.- Dermatology lichenoid drug reactions, in a"graft-versus-host reaction" in initial lichen sclerosus, in lupus erythematosus, in erythema dyschromicum perstans or in actinic keratoses and is therefore characteristic but...
Lichen planus vulvae L43.9 Dermatology
...lization The entire vaginal mucosa can be affected. Clinical features Chronically stationary, shiny erythema appears on the inner sides of the labia minora. Increased risk of bleeding even with light touching...
Light callosity T67.9 Dermatology
...30 Definition Physiological adaptation mechanism of the skin (especially the epidermis) to repeated erythema-producing UV rays. The effective barrier is the stratum corneum. A fully developed light callosity...