Systemic mastocytosis is a rare disease characterized by pathological proliferation and increased activity of neoplastic mast cells in bone marrow and in various other organ systems, potentially also in the skin. Cutaneous involvement(maculopapular mastocytosis = in the older nomenclature called urticaria pigmentosa) is found mainly in indolent systemic mastocytosis (ISM). It is completely absent in mast cell leukemia.
The diagnosis of "systemic mastocytosis" is made on the basis of the 2016 WHO classification criteria. To diagnose SM, either one major criterion and at least one of four minor criteria or three minor criteria must be met.
Main criterion
- Histological evidence of multifocal, compact infiltrates of mast cells (≥15) in the BM or in an extracutaneous organ.
Ancillary criteria
- Detection of atypical spindle-shaped mast cells (≥25% of all mast cells): histologically in the BM or in other extracutaneous organs or cytologically in the BM smear.
- Detection of KIT D816 point mutation in peripheral blood, KM or other extracutaneous organs.
- Detection of the surface marker CD2 and/or CD25 on mast cells in the BM, peripheral blood or in another extracutaneous organ
- Serum tryptase level persistently ≥ 20μg/l