Sweet syndrome: reddish-livid, succulent, pressure-dolent, infiltrated, solitary and partly papules confluent to plaques, on the right side of the body in a 47-year-old female patient. 1 week before the onset of the disease intake of Cotrimoxazol due to a urinary tract infection. temperatures > 38 °C.
Mucinosis follicularis type III: Chronic, often generalized, slightly itchy form in middle-aged to older adults, with disseminated, 0.1 cm large, skin-colored, red follicular papules on the trunk and extremities; possible precursor stage of folliculotropic mycosis fungoides (DD; type II of mucinosis follicularis; DD: malasseziafolliculitis).
Dermatitis, hypereosinophilic. partly papular, partly plaque-like, considerably itchy exanthema of disseminated, 0.3-1.5 cm large, red, smooth papules which have merged into an anular plaque formation on the buttocks.
Transitory acantholytic dermatosis (M.Grover): a few weeks old, only moderately pruritic clinical picture with disseminated papules and also papulo vesicles; Nikolski phenomenon negative.
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