Acanthosis nigricans (benigna): generalized clinical picture with pigmented, blurred, symptomless plaques in the axillae, genital area and inguinal regions.
Several acquired melanocytic nevi in a 65 years old man. Especially the two conspicuous large melanocytic nevi did not show any changes in the last years. There is no need for surgical removal. Annual clinical controls are necessary.
Scleroderma circumscripts: Band-like form of the scleroderma focus on the upper and lower leg. clinical picture that developed slowly over a period of about 7 years. pulling and stabbing complaints during sports activities.
Keratosis areolae mammae naeviformis: Chronically inpatient, for years unchanged, limited to nipple and areola, moderately consistent, symptomless, brown, rough (warty) plaque in a 45-year-old man.
Dyskeratosis follicularis. chronic dynamic, partly loosely disseminated, partly grouped standing, partly aggregated to plaques, brown papules first manifested in childhood. distinct itching with excoriations on the skin lesions.
scleroderma circumscripts (plaque type). large, map-like bizarrely limited, brown, smooth plaques. no recognizable inflammatory symptoms. there is no feeling of tension. no pain. comment: apparently largely aphlegmatic (healed) scleroderma.
papillomatosis confluens et reticularis. since 2 years increasing discoloration and thickening of the skin of the sternoepigastric area. occasionally slight itching. spotty and extensive, velvety, yellow-brown, hyperpigmented, blurred papules and plaques, which confluent to larger, dirty-brown areas.
Pseudoacanthosis nigricans: symmetrical, brownish, moderately sharply defined, poorly elevated, completely asymptomatic plaques over the spinous processes of the vertebral bodies; no detectable underlying disease.
Nevus, melanocytic type: Dysplastic melanoytic nevus, growth in the last 6 months, asymmetry of the tumor and the different coloration should in this case lead to an excision and histopathological examination to exclude malignancy (malignant melanoma).
Acne, keloid acne. stringy, coarse, brownish pigmented elevations in the chest area in a 24-year-old female patient on healed acne vulgaris. Medical history and clinic are pathognomonic.
Melanosis neurocutanea. general view: Huge melanocytic nevus occupying nearly the whole back with single, dark-black pigmented, partly exophytic-papillomatous parts; on the left back flat, soft, skin-coloured tumours (dewlaps) and some neurofibromas are visible.
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