Image diagnoses for "Nodule (<1cm)", "skin-colored"
57 results with 98 images
Results forNodule (<1cm)skin-colored

Basal cell carcinoma nodular C44.L
Basal cell carcinoma, nodular. aggregate of several, skin-coloured, firm, surface-smooth, shiny, completely painless nodules and plaques that can be moved on the base and extend into the eyebrow.

Dupuytren's contracture M72.0
Dupuytren's contracture: Severity III: Nodular induration of the palm with retraction of the skin and incipient flexion contracture of the ring finger.

Fibromatosis digital infantile M72.8

Atheroma L72.10

Plantar fibromatosis M72.2
Plantar fibromatosis in progressive systemic scleroderma; rather strand-shaped pressure-sensitive, rough induration in the middle area of the plantar fascia.

Nodules skin-coloured: flat, wood-like, firm, plate-like nodules protruding above the skin level; Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.

Nodules: Subjectively little disturbing, 6.0 x 6.0 cm large, soft, elastic, laterally well definable nodules that can be moved on its support in a 65-year-old patient. diagnosis: lipoma.

Neurofibromatosis (overview) Q85.0
Type I Neurofibromatosis, peripheral type or classic cutaneous form. Since puberty slowly increasing formation of these soft, skin-coloured or slightly brownish, painless papules and nodules. Several café-au-lait spots.

Keloid (overview) L91.0
Numerous keloids and hypertrophic scars, after acne vulgaris has largely healed.

Atheroma L72.10

Neurofibromatosis (overview) Q85.0
Type I Neurofibromatosis, peripheral type or classic cutaneous form. Permanent, multiple, skin-coloured, calotte-like bulging, soft, smooth papules and nodules in the area of the back of the hand and the sides of the fingers. Positive bell-button phenomenon: subcutaneous tumours protruding like hernia through the skin can be pushed back with one finger.

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (overview) C44.-
5 cm large papular infiltrate on the shoulder of a 31 year old female patient. 4 years of multiple steroid infiltrations as an acne node.

Neurofibromatosis peripheral Q85.0
Neurofibromatosis peripheral: circumscribed dewlap-like overlapping, soft new formation.

Neurofibromatosis, segmental Q85.0
Neurofibromatosis segmentale: circumscribed soft papules and nodes.

Lipoma (overview) D17.0
Lipoma: A subcutaneous lump on the upper arm which has existed for years, is completely unattractive and asymptomatic, can be easily delimited and slides over the underlying tissue.