Image diagnoses for "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "skin-colored", "Leg/Foot"
11 results with 19 images
Results forPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)skin-coloredLeg/Foot

Keratosis seborrhoeic (overview) L82
Keratoses seborrhoeic: multiple skin-colored flat wart-like papules and plaques. occasional itching.

Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (overview) L40.3
Psoriasis palmo-plantaris: extensive desquamation of the sole of the foot.

Circumscribed scleroderma L94.0
Circumscribed scleroderma. Atrophy of the right leg muscles, atrophy of the gluteal muscles on the right, shortening of the right leg (difference 2.0 cm) with consecutive secondary pelvic obliquity and scoliosis in a 19-year-old female patient. The right knee joint is massively restricted in its movement (extension/flexion 0/25/100).

Verruca vulgaris B07
Verrucae vulgares: multiple, in places beet-like aggregated wart formation; condition after chemotherapy.

Circumscribed scleroderma L94.0
Circumscribed scleroderma. Atrophy of the right leg muscles, atrophy of the gluteal muscles on the right, shortening of the right leg (difference 2.0 cm) with consecutive secondary pelvic obliquity and scoliosis in a 19-year-old female patient. Multiple white indurated plaques on the right leg are also present on the thighs, lower legs and in the foot area.