Image diagnoses for "skin-colored"
267 results with 582 images
Results forskin-colored

Lipomatosis benign symmetric (overview) E88.8
Lipomatosis, benign symmetrical. 67-year-old female patient with continuously increasing lipomatosis (type II) for about 20 years. internal medicine: polyneuropathy, chronic liver damage, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia. massive, diffuse symmetrical, tumorous, doughy coarse fat tissue proliferation on trunk and upper arms. pseudoathletic habitus.

Atrophodermia vermiculata L90.81
Atrophodermia vermiculata: 10-year-old girl with bilateral symmetrical, small, reticulated follicular scars; the vertical arrows mark 2 slightly reddened, dilated follicles with dark horny plugs.

Nevus lipomatosus cutaneus superficialis D23.L
nevus lipomatodes cutaneus superficialis. solitary, sponge-like soft, to the side well delimitable, broad-based, lobed, nodular elevation above an old scar after partial excision on the flank of a 25-year-old man. the lesion already existed at birth, appeared slowly during the first years of life and has a clearly elevated character since puberty. an area growth occurred only due to the increasing body growth. 5 years ago first surgery of about 2/3 of the lesion.

Carcinoma of the skin (overview) C44.L
Carcinoma kutanes (carcinoma in situ of the actinic keratosis type) 1a keratoses) with transition to an invasive spinocellular carcinoma (bottom left)

Swelling of the eyelids
Eyelid swelling in endocrine orbitopathy: known immunogenic hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease) with distinct exophthalmos, lid edema, chemosis and concomitant inflammation and pain when moving the eyes.

Alopecia areata (overview) L63.8
Alopecia areata totalis: complete hair loss except for a few individual hairs; with greater enlargement, the preserved (hairless) follicles can be seen

Follicular mucinosis L98.5
Mucinosis follicularis: follicularly bound papules with central horny cone; for 3 months, moderate itching.

Vascular malformations Q28.88
Malformation vascular (subcutaneous lymphangioma cavernosum):7.0 x 6.0 cm, soft, elastic (sponge-like), skin-coloured swelling in the area of the clavicle and the base of the neck in a 6-year-old girl, which was noticed for thefirst timein the 1st LJ and grew along with the remaining body proportions. No subjective symptoms. In the ultrasound Doppler examination, a low-echo structure, well defined to the base, becomes visible. Flux phenomena are not detectable.

Lipomatosis benign symmetric (overview) E88.8
Lipomatosis benign symmetrical: shoulder girdle or pseudoathletic type.

Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica helicis H61.0
Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica helicis, a solitary, spontaneously occurring, for 3 weeks painful, acute, increasing, coarse, reddish, approx. 0.4 x 0.5 cm large, centrally yellowish encrusted nodule localized at the upper edge of the auricle in a 58-year-old man.

Hirsuties papillaris penis D29.0
Hirsuties papillaris penis: Whitish and skin-colored papules on the corona glans penis.

Punctured palmoplantar keratosis type 3 L85.8
Acrokeratoelastoidosis: In a band-shaped arrangement at the transition zone from field skin to groin skin lichenoid shiny, 0.1-0.2 cm large, polygonally limited, yellowish to skin-coloured, completely asymptomatic papules appear.

Follicular mucinosis L98.5
Mucinosis follicularis: itchy, disseminated, follicular, well-defined, pointed, skin-coloured papules with firmly adhering hyperkeratosis on the back and the lateral thoracic parts; clinical picture of a "grating iron skin".

Alopecia areata (overview) L63.8
Alopecia areata. 6 months of persistent focal alopecia of the right eyebrow in a 40-year-old patient with alopecia areata, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and atopic eczema.