Image diagnoses for "Nodules (<1cm)", "brown", "Leg/Foot"
17 results with 22 images
Results forNodules (<1cm)brownLeg/Foot

Xanthome eruptive E78.2
Xanthomas, eruptive:disseminated, 0.1-0.3 cm large, yellow-brown, flat raised, superficially smooth and shiny, firm papules in dense seeding in a 54-year-old patient with known hyperlipoproteinemia type IV.

Papillomatosis cutis lymphostatica I89.0
Papillomatosis cutis lymphostatica: Large-scale verrucous plaque with a blurred border on all sides, coarsely indurated, with formation of succulent nodules; condition following recurrent erysipelas.

Porokeratosis superficialis disseminata actinica Q82.8
Porokeratosis superficialis disseminata actinica: Disseminated, brownish-yellowish, markedly anular plaques with a sharply defined, hyperkeratotic border wall.

Porokeratosis superficialis disseminata actinica Q82.8
Porokeratosis superficialis disseminata actinica, overview: Chronically active, multiple, disseminated, partly confluent, erythematous, anular plaques localized at the extensor sides with sharply defined, hyperkeratotic border wall.

Verruca vulgaris B07
Verrucae vulgares: multiple, in places beet-like aggregated wart formation; condition after chemotherapy.

Lateral nevus verrucosus unius lateralis Q82.5
Naevus verrucosus unius lateralis with wart-like papules and plaques.

Porokeratosis mibelli Q82.8
Porokeratosis Mibelli. gradually progressive finding with solitary, 0.1-0.2 cm large, symptom-free, yellow-brown horny papules (primary lesion), which have been present for years. As shown here, they show surface and thickness growth. On the back of the foot the papules have (coincidentally) merged into a coarse plaque with a spiny surface.

Dermatofibroma D23.-

Dermatofibroma D23.-

Sarcoidosis of the skin D86.3
sarcoidosis, plaque form. nodules and plaques that are easily distinguishable from the surrounding area. foci are movable on the support; scaly-crusted surface.

Xanthome eruptive E78.2
Xanthomas, eruptive:disseminated, 0.1-0.3 cm large, yellow-brown, flat raised, superficially smooth and shiny, firm papules in dense seeding in a 54-year-old patient with known hyperlipoproteinemia type IV.

Porokeratosis superficialis disseminata actinica Q82.8
Porokeratosis superficialis disseminata actinica: disseminated, brownish-yellowish, sharply defined, hyperkeratotic nodules/plaques localized on the extensor sides; clear actinic damage to the skin with multiple lentigines.