Psoriasis arthropathica: single (only on the thumb), complete, crumbly onychodystrophy (psoriatic crumb nail) Massive swelling and redness of the entire thumb, infestation of the joints in the ray (so-called sausage fingers).
Dermatomyositis. 72 year old patient with dermatomyositis known for 1 year. striped red, scaly papules and plaques over the base of the fingers. deep red, painful and slightly scaly plaques on the end phalanges, also directly periungual. distinct hyperkeratotic nail folds.
Hand eczema atopic: long-term atopic eczema with variable course; the skin on both backs of the hands has existed with varying intensity for 1.5 years.
Impetigo contagiosa: for months recurrently recurrent, therapy resistant, red encrusted plaques next to older scarring; considerably artificially superimposed impetigo contgiosa.
Histiocytoma, malignant fibrous, painless, plate-like, coarse, reddish-brown nodules, centrally clearly raised above the skin level with loss of the regular skin field.
Dermatosis, acute febrile neutrophils (Sweet syndrome):suddenly distended generalized clinical picture with inflammatory, succulent, livid red papules and plaques, combined with fever and feeling of illness.
Cumulative toxic hand dermatitis: diffuse, burning reddening of the skin in a 44-year-old patient who is performing professional cleaning work in a service company.
Kaposi's sarcoma epidemic (overview): HIV-associated Kaposi's sarcoma with disseminated, bizarrely configured, reddish-brown plaques, sometimes in a striped arrangement.
Sézary Syndrome: universal redness with small-focus recesses. small spotted scaling. massive itching, pain at times. here detailed picture of the right arm
Erythema anulare centrifugum: Characteristic single cell lesion with peripherally progressing plaque, which is peripherally palpable as well limited (like a wet wolfaden), flattens centrally and is only recognizable here as a non-raised red spot. DD Mycosis fungoides. Histological clarification necessary.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis. emergency hospitalization of a highly febrile (temp. 39.5 °C) 78-year-old woman with hemorrhagic, areal, epidermal necrolysis in the area of the left arm after ingestion of vancomycin. significantly reduced general condition. it turned out that the patient had received allopurinol and ampicillin for the first time a few days before.
Tinea corporis:Acute, solitary, ring-shaped, approx. 2.5 cm large, sharply defined, itchy plaque, which has existed on the right wrist for several weeks, is increased in consistency at the edge and has fine lamellar scales, and has healed centrally in a 12-year-old girl (pathogen: Mikrosporum canis).
Lupus erythematosus, subacute-cutaneous. multiple, chronically dynamic, increasing red spots up to 4.0 x 2.5 cm in size as well as red, small, partly rough, scaly, partly erosive papules or plaques on the left forearm of a 66-year-old man.
Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (plaque-type): Patient with palmar plaque psoriasis, infestation of the backs of the hands and fioniasis with striped keratotic plaques.
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