Graft-versus-host disease chronic L99.2-

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 28.12.2024

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cGVHD; Chronic graft-versus-host disease; Chronic graft-versus-host reaction

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Barnes and Loutit, 1957

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Complex multi-organ disease that occurs 3-5 months or later after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (see below Graft-versus-Host Disease) The skin is the most frequently affected organ. Clinical morphology shows an overlap between systemic scleroderma, lichen sclerosus, systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome. The cGVHD can affect different compartments of the skin (epidermis, corium) as well as the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Epidermal or dermal or subcutaneous changes, or a combination of both, may be the main cause. The 2 most frequent manifestations are lichenoid and sclerodermiform cGVHD (Ziemer M 2013).

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Classification of chronic GvHD

  • Progressive form (about 32% of cases), which directly follows an acute form with the worst prognosis
  • Delayed form (quiescent onset; about 36% of cases) occurring after a disease-free interval after acute GvHD
  • De novo form (about 30% of cases), without previous acute GvHD, with the best prognosis.

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Since allogeneic stem cell transplantations (aSZT) are becoming more and more important therapeutically (expansion of indications), cGVHD will gain in importance in the future. About 50% of patients who survive allogeneic stem cell transplantation in the long term develop cGVHD.

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Clinical features
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A distinction must be made between a generalized and a localized form.

  • Generalized cGVHD: onset with skin and mucous membrane changes:
    • lichenoid exanthema and hyperpigmentation in the facial area
    • erosive cheilitis
    • Sicca symptoms of the mucous membranes
    • xerophthalmia with keratoconjunctivitis
    • buccal mucositis with extensive erythema and reticular whitish patterns; formation of painful erosions, including ulcers
    • Oesophageal and vaginal strictures
    • Lichen sclerosus-like indurations of the glans penis and prepuce
    • Intestinal infestation
    • Lupoid hepatitis
    • General physical deterioration and pulmonary insufficiency
    • Risk of opportunistic infections.

The lichenoid exanthema can develop into manifestations that resemble (or are identical to) systemic scleroderma.

  • Late cGVHD shows poikilodermatic conditions with extensive skin sclerosis and contractures. Complications include a 3-fold increased risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma compared to stem cell transplant patients without GvHd and a 50-fold increased risk compared to the normal population (Zampaola AS et al. 2017).
  • Localized cGVHD: Clinical features of lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, also genital lichen sclerosus (w>m) or lichen planus, circumscribed scleroderma (morphea), eosinophilic fasciitis (analogous to Shulman syndrome) or septal panniculitis.
  • Images of pityriasis rosea have also been described. The changes can also spread linearly along the Blaschko lines.
  • Nail changes appear as nail fold hyperkeratosis, onycholysis, transverse furrows, splinter hemorrhages, hyperpigmentation(melanonychia).

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So-called diagnostic signs of cGvHD include the following symptoms:

  • Poikiloderma
  • Lichen planus-like skin changes
  • Lichen sclerosus-like skin changes
  • Women: vaginal scarring, agglutination (adhesions) of the clitoris/labia
  • Men: phimosis, scarring and stenosis of the orificium urethrae

Clinically difficult to separate from the lichen sclerosus-like skin changes is the GvHD-related fasciitis with fibrosis and sclerosis of the affected fasciae with movement restrictions.

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To date, no predictive biomarkers are known that could be used to specifically confirm the diagnosis. The chemokines CXCL9 and CCL17 are being discussed (Chen T et al. 2019).

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Depending on its clinical findings, cGvHD is divided into a lichenoid and a sclerotic variant. However, both components are frequently expressed. Permanent phenomena are hyperkeratosis and hypergranulosis. There is usually a strong lymphocytic infiltrate with lichenoid vacuolar interface dermatitis and vacuolar degeneration of the basal epidermal and adnexal epithelia. Keratinocyte necrosis in the surface and deep epithelium is accompanied by pigment incontinence. So-called satellite necroses are also typical (see acute graft-versus-host disease below). With increasing duration of the clinical manifestations, fibrotic changes of the dermis occur, which can take on lichen sclerosus-like features, but also those of circumscribed scleroderma or fasciitis.

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Wound cleansing, granulation-promoting and antiseptic in the ulcer area, see below. Wound treatment.

The indication for systemic immunosuppression depends on the extent of organ involvement. Immunosuppressive therapy is advisable at the latest when two organ systems are affected (e.g. skin and liver, skin and intestine, skin and mucous membrane). The therapy should be carried out by experienced colleagues.

The chronic GVH reaction is also directed against residual leukemia cells. The aim of therapeutic efforts is therefore not the complete suppression of GVHR.

In addition to systemic immunosuppressive treatment, the following therapies can be tried in the treatment of sclerodermiform, erythematous and/or lichenoid skin changes:

  • PUVA therapy, systemic: Initially 0.5-0.25 J/cm2 at 0.6 mg/kg bw/day methoxsalen (e.g. meladinine) Dose increase up to 8 J/cm2 over several sessions. Maintenance therapy 1-2 times/week over 1-2 years.
  • Thalidomide: short-term 200-400 mg/day p.o., then reduction to 100 mg/day. Caution! Off-label use! Strictest indication for women of childbearing age.
  • Extracorporeal photopheresis: Every 4 weeks, good results are reported. Due to its good tolerability, it represents an increasing supplement to systemic steropide therapy, especially as ECP does not negatively influence the graft-versus-leukemia effect and does not increase the risk of infection. In a larger retrospective study of 71 patients with steroid-refractory cGvHD, the response rate of cutaneous manifestations was >50% (Flowers ME et al. 2008).
  • With regard to the success of TNF alpha antagonists, the study results remain to be seen.

General therapy
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Regular intensive physiotherapy exercises are necessary to improve joint mobility.

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Chronic GvHD is the main risk factor for significant morbidity and mortality after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Approximately 15% of patients die as a result. A further 25% suffer significant impairment of their quality of life. The main risk factor for the occurrence of chronic GvHD is a previous acute GvHD and a high recipient age.

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Last updated on: 28.12.2024