Image diagnoses for "Nodule (<1cm)"
256 results with 977 images
Results forNodule (<1cm)

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin C44.-
Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: slowly growing, painless, broad-based nodule that has been wetting for several weeks.

Facial granuloma L92.2
Granuloma faciale: Detailed view. large lump with smooth surface. strikingly large and bizarre tumor vessels.

Cylindrome D23.4

Carcinoma of the skin (overview) C44.L
Carcinoma kutanes: Advanced, flat ulcerated squamous cell carcinoma.

Blue nevus D22.-
Blue nevus: Large blue nevus (so-called Mongolian spot) with a deep dark melanocytic nevus.

Melanoma acrolentiginous C43.7 / C43.7
Melanoma malignes acrolentiginous: Brown "spot" on the left small toe that has existed for many years; for several months now it has been growing in thickness, weeping and bleeding.

Carcinoma of the skin (overview) C44.L
Cutaneous carcinoma: a lump in actinically damaged skin that has grown within half a year and cannot be moved on the underlying surface.

Lymphomatoids papulose C86.6
Lymphomatoid papulosis: intermittent, painless, papules and nodules with central hemorrhagic-necrotizing transformation.

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Perianal localized, partly beet-like aggregated, laterally and medially also isolated, small, pointy-headed, reddish to brownish, soft papules and nodes in a 20-year-old patient.

Acne inversa L73.2
Acne inversa: Detailed view of the surroundings with multiple, flat and retracted scars, inflammatory papules, nodules and flat indurations.

Prurigo simplex subacuta L28.2
Prurigo simplex subacuta:disseminated scratched, eroded or ulcerated nodules and nodules; severe interval-like itching, piercing and painful.

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Condylomata gigantea: cauliflower-like, exophytic and locally infiltrating fibroepithelial prollferates in the anal and peerianal region; known HIV infection.

Basal cell carcinoma nodular C44.L
Basal cell carcinoma, nodular. aggregate of several, skin-coloured, firm, surface-smooth, shiny, completely painless nodules and plaques that can be moved on the base and extend into the eyebrow.

Basal cell carcinoma cystic C44.L

Boils L02.92
Furunculosis: recurrent furuncle formation in a 66 year old female patient with diabetes mellitus.