Image diagnoses for "Oral mucosa"
82 results with 221 images
Results forOral mucosa

Abscess L02.9

Addison's disease E27.1
Addison's disease: grayish-brownish mucous membrane pigmentation of the gingiva in a 22-year-old man.

Acanthomas, infectious B07.x

Amalgam tattoo L81.8

Amalgam tattoo L81.8

Amalgam tattoo L81.8

Aphthae (overview) K12.0
Bednar's aphthae. large, very painful flat ulcers in the vestibulum oris covered with fibrin. 77-year-old patient has been suffering from these aphthous ulcers for 1 year.

Aphthae (overview) K12.0
Aphthae: Approx. 3 cm large, bizarrely limited, painful, solitary aphthae in a 42-year-old man, progressive for 10 days.

Aphthae habituelle K12.0
aphthae, habitual: sharply defined, greasy coated, very painful ulcers at the edge of the tongue. 1 week old. recurrent course; last recurrence 3 months ago. at that time spontaneous healing within 3 weeks.

Aphthae habituelle K12.0
Aphthae, habitual: smeary-coated, very painful ulcers on the lower lip in a 20-year-old female patient, existing for 10 days.

Aphthae habituelle K12.0
Aphthae, habitual: painful, whitish, sharply defined ulcerations with reddened margins in the lip area; chronic recurrent course.

Erythema multiforme, minus-type L51.0
Erythema exsudativum multiforme. chronic dynamic erosive gingivitis with reactive squamous epithelial hyperplasia and partially superficial mucous membrane erosions in a 66-year-old female patient with histologically confirmed lichen planus mucosae. severe pain during oral hygiene and close-up. all regions of the oral cavity are affected.

Erythema multiforme, minus-type L51.0
Erythema exsudativum multiforme, map-like, highly painful erosions of the tongue.

Erythema multiforme, minus-type L51.0
Erythema exsudativum multiforme; acutely opened, extensive, painful erosions of the oral mucosa; infestation of the red of the lips with fine rhagades.

Exfoliation areata linguae K14.1
exfoliatio areata linguae. several, apparently confluent areas, but clearly anular, "plaque free" areas at the left tongue margin. distinct burning sensation with spicy food or fruity drinks. characteristic for the clinical picture are the whitish swollen border areas, which are also still detectable at the right side of the tongue. in the center of the tongue normal plaque.

Exfoliation areata linguae K14.1

Exfoliation areata linguae K14.1
Exfoliatio areata linguae: Chronically dynamic, since 5 years alternating, map-shaped, coating-free, red, smooth areas, which are delimited by a raised and whitish swollen rim.

Exfoliation areata linguae K14.1
exfoliatio areata linguae. multiple, anular, garland-shaped or landmap-shaped areas free of plaque, which are delimited by a raised and whitish swollen rim. slight tongue burning may be present. these areas are variable in location and can migrate over the tongue.

Gingivitis hyperplastica K05.1