Trichodiscom D23.L

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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Pinkus, 1974

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Benign, slow-growing, fibroepithelial adnexal tumor that originates from the hair discs (hair disk), see below adnexal tumors with hair follicle differentiation. Sometimes associated with perifollicular fibroma and fibropapilloma.

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Together with perifollicular fibromas and fibrofolliculomas, multiple trichodiscomas may occur in association with familial colonic polyps in Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome .

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Stem, face, rare extremities.

Clinical features
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Clinically uncharacteristic finding, usually with multiple, small, 1-3 mm large, symptomless, skin-coloured papules. Random histological findings.

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Well-defined, non-encapsulated, low-cellular, dermal tumor of mucinous fibrillar connective tissue and clearly protruding capillary vessels. It is not uncommon for incised hair follicles to appear at the edge of the tumour.

Differential diagnosis
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Not necessary.

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  1. Bayrou O et al (1990) Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome. Fibrofolliculoma, trichodiscoma and acrochordon. Ann Dermatol Venereol 117: 37-41
  2. McCalmont CS et al (1991) Giant fibromyxoid tumors of the adventitial dermis. Forme fruste of trichodiscoma? At J Dermatopathol 13: 403-409
  3. Le Guyadec T et al (1998) Multiple trichodiscomas associated with colonic polyposis. Ann Dermatol Venereol 125: 717-719
  4. Pinkus H et al. Trichodiscoma. A benign tumor related to hair disk. J Invest Dermatol 63: 212-218
  5. Vincent A et al (2003) Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome: A review of the literature and the differential diagnosis of firm facial papules. J Am Acad Dermatol 49: 698-705
  6. Weinstein M et al (1990) Multiple hypopigmented papules. Trichodiscoma. Arch Dermatol 126: 1093-1096
  7. Yamamoto T et al (1995) Multiple perifollicular fibroma. Nippon Rinsho 53: 2759-2763


Please ask your physician for a reliable diagnosis. This website is only meant as a reference.


Last updated on: 29.10.2020