Nummular dermatitis Images
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Nummular dermatitis: Extensive eczema that has been present for several months, with blurred papules and confluent plaques; distinct itching.

Nummular dermatitis: Extensive eczema that has been present for several months, with blurred papules and confluent plaques; distinct itching.

Nummular dermatitis: Extensive eczema that has been present for several months, with blurred papules and confluent, scaly plaques.

Nummular dermatitis: Therapy-resistant eczema that has been present for several months with few blurred papules and confluent plaques; moderate itching.

Nummular Dermatitis: General view: One year ago, for the first time, massive itching, initially papular, later plaque-shaped skin changes on the entire integument with emphasis on the extremities, trunk and buttocks of a 77-year-old woman.

Nummular dermatitis: General view: Sharply defined, 2-6 cm large, inflammatory reddened, coin-shaped plaques in a 7-year-old girl.

Nummular dermatitis: General view: Sharply defined, 2-6 cm large, inflammatory reddened, coin-shaped plaques in a 7-year-old girl.

Nummular Dermatitis: General view: For about 6-7 years persistent, strongly itching, solitary or confluent, coin-sized, infiltrated papules and plaques on the back of a 75-year-old female patient; in some cases small, dot-shaped, white, disseminated, atrophic scars are visible.

Nummular Dermatitis: General view: For several months persistent, strongly itching, solitary or confluent, coin-sized, infiltrated papules and plaques on the back of a 48-year-old patient.

Nummular dermatitis: Detail enlargement: Sharply defined, 2-6 cm large, inflammatory reddened, coin-shaped plaques on the left shoulder blade in a 7-year-old girl.

Nummular dermatitis: Detail enlargement : Massive itching, solitary or confluent, scratched, red lumps and plaques on the buttocks of a 77-year-old woman.

Nummular Dermatitis: Multiple, reddened, confluent, roundish or bizarrely configured plaques with weeping yellowish crusts on the back of a 76-year-old female patient.

Nummular dermatitis: Multiple, reddened, confluent, roundish plaques and scratch excoriations on the back of a 76-year-old female patient; at the upper margin of the picture a punctiform, whitish, atrophic scar is visible.

Nummular dermatitis: Extensive nummular lesions that havebeen present for several months with blurred, considerably itchy papules and confluent plaques. No hinwesi for psoriasis. No evidence of atopic diathesis.

Nummular dermatitis: chronic, for 8 weeks existing, localized on the back of the hand, approx. 6 cm in size, reddish, raised, partly eroded, partly crusty plaques in a 47-year-old man; no evidence of psoriasis vulgaris or atopic diathesis.

Nummular dermatitis:Extensive nummular lesions that havebeenpresent for several months with blurred, considerably itchy papules and confluent plaques. No hinwesi for psoriasis. No evidence of atopic diathesis.

Nummular dermatitis (eczema, microbial): Itchy, scaly, coin-shaped plaques on the lower leg that have persisted for several months.

Nummular Dermatitis: For 6months persistent, itchy, eroded, excoriated, partly encrusted, coin-shaped plaques on the lower leg.

Nummular Dermatitis: General view: For 3 years persistent, itchy, eroded, excoriated, partly encrusted, coin-shaped plaques on the left lower leg of a 64-year-old female patient.

Nummular dermatitis: chronically active, for several months existing, approx. 6 cm large, raised, partly eroded, partly crusty plaques in a 45-year-old man. The surrounding skin is reddened.

Nummular dermatitis ( nummular/microbial eczema): Chronically active, 8-week-old, approx. 8 cm tall, brownish, raised, partly eroded, partly crusty, solid, considerably itchy plaque in a 47-year-old man.

Nummulardermatitis (nummular/microbial eczema): Chronically active, 8-week-old, approx. 6 cm large, brownish, raised, partly eroded, partly crusty plaque on the back of the foot in a 54-year-old man. The surrounding skin is reddened.

Nummular dermatitis (nummular/microbial eczema): chronically active, itchy, brownish-greyish, flat raised, partly eroded, partly crusty plaques in a 54-year-old man, excised for 8 weeks.