Kaposi's sarcoma epidemic Images
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Kaposi's sarcoma. 37-year-old man infected with HIV has some circumscribed, symptomless, red plaques in the area of the nose. development within one month. conspicuous follicular accentuation in the lesions. smooth skin surface, no scaling. similar skin changes still exist on palmae and plantae as well as on the glans penis. development within one month.

Kaposi's sarcoma epidemic:disseminated, bizarrely configured, spots and flat plaques, with a stripy pattern in places.

Kaposi's sarcoma epidemic:Disseminated patches and flat plaques, characterized by an arrangement in the lines of tension of the skin, whereby a striped arrangement is recognizable in places

Kaposi sarcoma epidemic or HIV-induced: Disseminated flat reddish-brown, surface smooth, symptomless plaques, characteristically located in the tension lines of the skin.

Kaposi's sarcoma epidemic: nodular transformation of previously flat plaques.

Kaposi's sarcoma epidemic: a bumpy tumour of the upper jaw that has been growing permanently for several months.