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ILVEN: Line-shaped, slightly itchy plaque that has existed for half a year. Histologically: Image of a spongiotic dermatitis.

ILVEN: 5-year-old girl in whom flat and linear plaques in a characteristic arrangement along the Blaschko lines were noticed since the first year of life (not detectable at birth). This bizarre pattern marks the changes as a cutaneous mosaic and thus as a harmlessoma of the skin. For half a year the inflammatory character has been increasing.

ILVEN: Acquired psoriasiform blaschko-linear inflammatory dermatosis, partly flat and partly linearly arranged, moderate itching.

Ilven: acquired, inflammatory, Blaschko-linear dermatosis in a 10-year-old girl; healing after one year

ILVEN: Clinical findings in a 17-year-old adolescent with erythematosquamous and papulokeratotic, locally verruciform skin lesions on the left side latero-thoracic and on the back.

ILVEN: acquired, inflammatory, Blaschko-linear dermatosis in a 12-year-old girl; spontaneous resident-free healing after one year

ILVEN: Linearly arranged, eczematous (histology: superficial perivascular and interstitial spongiotic dermatitis), acquired, only temporarily itchy skin change in a 6-year-old boy.

Ilven: Blaschko-lineare inflammatory "eczema-like" skin disease which developed in an otherwise completely skin-healthy 6-year-old girl within the last 2 months with mild to moderate itching.

ILVEN: Chronic stationary, red, rough (hyperkeratotic), passager itchy, linearly arranged papules and plaques on the right arch of the foot of a 10-year-old boy.

ILVEN: Since early childhood conspicuous, elongated to triangular configured papulokeratotic inflammatory skin change on the right cheek of a 14-year-old female patient.

Ilven: yellowish striated, sharply defined papules along the blashkolines in a 4-year-old boy; 6 months before occurred with mild itching. therapy: caring externals if necessary.

Cutaneous mosaic dermatosis: In a 7-year-old girl erythematosquamous, hyperkeratotic papules and plaques exist in a linear and planar arrangement since birth.

ILVEN: Psoriasiform, coarse lamellar scaling plaques along the Blaschko lines on the hand and forearm.

Mosaic dermatosis: Superimposed segmental manifestation as clinical manifestation of a "cutaneous mosaic" in plaque-type psoriasis vulgaris.