Contact dermatitis (overview) Images
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Contact dermatitis: Heavily lichenified eczema plaques in the area of the upper and lower eyelids in chronic, contact-allergic eczema; evidence of sensitization to various eyelid cosmetics.

contact dermatitis: blurred eczema plaque on upper and lower eyelid. distinct lichenification with fine-lamellar scaling. crust formation at the inner eyelid angle. permanent, tormenting itching. evidence of sensitization against various eyelid cosmetics.

Subacute toxic contact dermatitis: extensive subacute dermatitis after prolonged contact of unprotected skin with an impregnated leather.

Contact dermatitis: toxic contact dermatitis after intensive UV irradiation.

Contact dermatitis: Acute contact allergic eczema with fresh blisters in the wrist crease area.

Cumulatively toxic dermatitis of the hands.

Chronic allergic contact dermatitis: scattering contact allergic eczema in the area of the back of the foot with partly hemorrhagic blisters after application of an antimycotic.