Argyria Images
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Argyria: localized argyria of the lip region and the oral mucosa.

Argyria: localized argyria of the lip region and the oral mucosa.

argyria (detail): localized argyria of the lip region and the oral mucosa. at higher magnification, the irregular, dark metal deposits in the area of the red of the lips are clearly visible (circle). on "normal" lip skin, this color tone is not produced by the horny layer of the skin.

Gingival argry: circumscribed, sharply defined blue-black, symptom-free patches of the gingiva (and the upper lip, see previous illustration).

Argyrie: diffuse, grey to grey-brownish, metallically shiny, diffuse discolouration of the facial skin due to deposition of silver complexes.

Argyrie: diffuse, grey to greyish-blackish, metallically shiny, diffuse discolouration of the facial skin due to deposition of silver complexes The patient worked for decades in a silver-processing company

Argyrie: diffuse gray coloration of the facial skin after multiple roll cures due to ulcus ventriculi.

Argyrie: diffuse, completely symptom-free brown coloration of the facial areas in the area of exposed areas, which does not recede even in the winter months.