Acuminate condyloma Images
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Condylomata acuminata, finding in an infant with multiple small papules with few symptoms.

Perianal and scrotal localized small, pointy-headed, reddish, soft papules in a 24-year-old patient.

Condylomata acuminata. multiple, partly solitary, partly disseminated standing, 0.2-0.7 cm large, macerated papules and plaques with a verrucous surface. the findings shown here are after multiple surgical ablation under currently running local therapy with imiquimod.

Perianal localized, partly beet-like aggregated, laterally and medially also isolated, small, pointy-headed, reddish to brownish, soft papules and nodes in a 20-year-old patient.

Condylomata acuminata, perianal and extraanal soft cauliflower-like tumors.

Comdylomata acuminata, here localized in the perianal skin area. multiple previous operations already performed. due to the liocalization in the skin area a clinical aspect arises which rather reminds of a pigmented verruca seborrhoica than of typical condylomata acuminata.

Condylomata gigantea: cauliflower-like, exophytic and locally infiltrating giant condylomas in the anal region; HIV infection.

Condylomata gigantea: cauliflower-like, exophytic and locally infiltrating fibroepithelial prollferates in the anal and peerianal region; known HIV infection.

Condylomata gigantea: HIV infection, condition after removal of the condylomas.

Condylomata acuminata in an infant; perianal, scrotal and inguinal small, pointy-headed, reddish, soft, rough papules.

Condylomata acuminata. perianal localized, partly beet-like aggregated, laterally and medially also isolated, small, pointy-headed, reddish to brownish, soft papules and nodules in a 6-year-old girl. Fig. from Eiko E. Petersen, Colour Atlas ofVulva Diseases, with permission of Kaymogyn GmbH Freiburg.

Condylomata acuminata: multiple, non-symptomatic, white papules and aggregated plaques on the inner preputial leaf and frenulum

Condylomata acuminata: multiple, non-symptomatic, white papules and plaques on the inner preputial leaf

Condylomata acuminata: multiple flat white papules and plaques on the glans penis and inner preputial leaf

Condylomata acuminata, extensive macerated papules and plaques with a verrucous surface.

Condylomata acuminata: Multiple, partly solitary, partly aggregated, 0.2-0.7 cm large, flat, white plaques with a slightly verrucous surface.

Condylomata acuminata: multiple, non-symptomatic, white-reddish papules and aggregated plaques on the inner and outer preputial leaf.

Condylomata acuminata: beet-like condylomata acuminata in an HPV 11-positive patient with HIV infection in the AIDS full frame.

Condylomata acuminata. 22-year-old colored patient with small, brownish, partly confluent, continuously increasing papules on the prepuce and penis shaft. Typical condylomas are also found on the glans penis, perianal and anal canal.

Condylomata acuminata. Small, brownish, partly confluent papules on the shaft of the penis.

Condylomata acuminata:in the 32-year-old patient these brownish, partly isolated, partly aggregated to large beds of verrucous papules and plaques have been present for several months; typical condylomas are also found on the glans penis and the prepuce.

Condylomata acuminata: in the 20-year-old patient, these brownish, partly isolated, partly aggregated to large beds of verrucous papules and plaques have existed for about 1/2 year (?).

Condylomata acuminata. 22-year-old patient has had these brownish, partly isolated, partly aggregated to large beds of verrucous papules and plaques for several months. Typical condylomas are also found perianally and in the anal canal.

Condylomata acuminata, detail view.

Condylomata acuminata; reddish to greyish yellow, soft papules with a cauliflower-like appearance in the groin of a 66-year-old man.

Condylomata acuminata. 35-year-old patient has had this brownish, swollen, broad-based, painless lump for several months.

Condylomata acuminata: viral papillomas in the area of the corner of the mouth and the buccal oral mucosa that have existed for several months.