Image diagnoses for "Anal region", "Nodules (<1cm)", "red"
4 results with 10 images
Results forAnal regionNodules (<1cm)red

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Condylomata acuminata. multiple, partly solitary, partly disseminated standing, 0.2-0.7 cm large, macerated papules and plaques with a verrucous surface. the findings shown here are after multiple surgical ablation under currently running local therapy with imiquimod.

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Condylomata acuminata, finding in an infant with multiple small papules with few symptoms.

Bowenoids papulose A63.0
Bowenoid papulosis. 3 x 3 cm area with a verrucous, skin-coloured, central whitish keratotic-derbal nodule localised in SSL perianal at 12 and 1 o'clock. Multiple skin-coloured tumours in the perianal circumference. Two lenticular, dark brown, flat raised plaques, each 0.6 cm in size, with a smooth surface, appear on the left perineum. On the right labia majora there is a brownish-red, slightly infiltrated plaque with a smooth surface. The finding occurred in a 41-year-old woman who had been infected with HIV for 20 years (AIDS full picture stage C3).

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Condylomata acuminata in an infant; perianal, scrotal and inguinal small, pointy-headed, reddish, soft, rough papules.

Acuminate condyloma A63.0

Bowenoids papulose A63.0

Scabies nodosa B86.x

Acne inversa L73.2
Acne inversa. Severe clinical, refractory findings in a 52-year-old female patient. Present since the age of 20. Perianal involvement here.

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Condylomata acuminata, perianal and extraanal soft cauliflower-like tumors.

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Perianal and scrotal localized small, pointy-headed, reddish, soft papules in a 24-year-old patient.